Before the act

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Clint's POV

Coulson and his team were getting ready for their "performance". It was giving me the creeps that a double agent was at avengers tower. I was thinking about making a plan to bring Ward back to jail. But than I realized that wasn't a smart idea because the Calvary was on his team and she could snap me like a twig. She scares me. So I went to Coulson and ask if it was a wise idea to let a hydra weirdo loose at avengers tower. Coulson told me to relax. Next I went to Steve to talk and he I think he has a crush on Skye because I told him I have a question for him and he asked me if he had a chance with Skye. Then he started to rant about the pro's and con's on him and Skye. I just left and went to Stark. I asked him if we could put a tracker on Ward to make sure he doesn't wonder off and if he does can we zap him. Tony can you hack his bracelet that tracks him ( forgot to include that in the last chapter.) Tony gave me a remote and said use it whenever you like and don't tell anyone about this. Deal I said. I saw Ward on the other side of the room and pressed a button that tased him then he was unconscious. This is awesome . I yelled. I heard foots steeps so I ran off

Author note: Sorry this chapter is short. The next five update will be important information from the last five episodes of the season. I was thinking and about bring SkyeWard into play in the future. Please comment if it is Steve and Skye or Skye and Ward. In the end you will see who Skye ends up with.

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