I'm Working On It

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Look! I'm Sorry Ok! Last week just been a rough week for me. I'm in the hospital because something is wrong with my heart, my Best Friend is being a...pregnant dog, I've miss a birthday party because I was in the hospital...I'M JUST TIRED OK DAMN!

But the good news is that the hospital has wifi so later I'm going to upload a chapter...maybe two it depends because I might be going home tomorrow and if I do I can't write anymore chapter until next month because the my internet at home STILL NOT working sooo yeah.

But anywhore...just expect a chapter or two later on and pray that I get better soon. But between you and me...since I got Wi-Fi now I don't wanna go home...it's like 50% I do 50% I don't...is that bad...oh well.

Well....Chapter later on tonight soo yeah.....BYE!

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