Chapter 1

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"Hi Joshua," Tyler smiled shyly as he opened his front door, his suitcase and oxygen tank beside him.

"Hi beautiful," Josh grinned, taking Tyler's suitcase and putting it in the back of his car.

They both then went to the kitchen so Tyler's mom could tell Josh all about Tyler's medical stuff even though he knew everything.

But Josh understood that she was behind nervous for the trip. Not only would the boys be flying, for 14 hours, to another country, but she wouldn't be there.

Not to mention, the boys were 17.

But both were extremely responsible, and after months and months of begging doctors to let Tyler go, the day was finally here.

They were going to Amsterdam for two weeks.

Mrs. Joseph tested Josh on every medicine Tyler had to take during every situation, and he got them all right.

"Trust me, Mr. Joseph," Josh smiled. "I'm much too in love with your son to let anything happen to him."

"J-Josh!" Tyler exclaimed shyly, smacking his chest.

Josh chuckled and kissed Tyler's forehead before giving Kelly a tight hug. There really was no one else she wanted Tyler to be with. She smiled and hugged him back, kissing his forehead before hugging her son tightly.

"I love you both so much," she said. "Now go have the time of your lives. And be safe! Safety is number one!"

"You got it, Mrs. Joseph," Josh grinned. "You ready, baby?"

"Y-yeah," Tyler said, nodding his head. "B-bye mom. I love you."

Tyler's best friend was his mom, by the way. Since he didn't go to school, he didn't really get out much.

"I love you more, honey," she smiled softly. "You two have so much fun."

Tyler followed Josh out, holding his hand and using the other to wheel his oxygen tank out.

He always wore a nasal cannula that transported oxygen into his lungs because his lungs sucked at being lungs.

Lung cancer's a bitch.

He closed the door behind him, Josh stopping and turning to face him with his signature goofy grin.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

Tyler smiled shyly and nodded. "I'm ready, Joshua."

Josh leaned downward and wrapped his arm around Tyler's waist, kissing his lips before pulling back and taking him to the car.

Tyler got in on the passenger's side, blushing as he saw a huge bouquet of roses sitting in the seat.

He grabbed the flowers and put his oxygen tank in first before getting in as well.

He looked down at the roses and blushed, smiling shyly. Joshua was such a romantic.

"I love you," he smiled over to Josh.

"Your boyfriend loves you more," Josh hummed with a smile against his lips.

"Don't get too deep, Joshua," Tyler giggled softly as Josh started full-on making out with him in the car. "My mom's watching through the window."

Josh pulled back, waving to Kelly, which made Tyler blush even deeper.

They both waved her goodbye before heading to the airport.

Tyler kind of was the one in charge at the airport. He handled everything, and once they got on the plane, Tyler noticed Josh kept looking out the window and bouncing his leg anxiously.

"Have you ever been on a plane before?" Tyler asked.

Josh shook his head. He was nervous. Really, really nervous. Not only for himself, but for Tyler's health as well. The main reason the doctors originally wouldn't let Tyler go on the trip was because of the flight.

"Aw, Joshie," Tyler giggled, kissing his cheek and running his fingers through his hair. "It's ok. There's nothing to be worried about."

Josh nodded, Tyler finding his hand and squeezing it tightly. Josh looked at him, unable to smile when he saw Tyler smiling at him.

The plane took off, Josh's eyes wide in amazement. "We're flying!"

"Yeah!" Tyler giggled, kissing his cheek.

"Wow," Josh said, relaxing a bit as he felt Tyler caressing his arm.

They held hands and snuggled, talking a little bit but mainly Tyler sleeping. Josh made sure to keep a close eye on him for anything the doctor had warned him about, but luckily, nothing came up.

They ate the meals the flight attendants brought around, Josh immediately giving Tyler his dessert because he was just a caring boyfriend.

They finished their meals and held hands while they watched a movie, both turning and looking at each other at the same time, giggling softly as they leaned in and kissed.

"I love you, baby," Josh whispered, rubbing the back of Tyler's hand with his thumb.

"I love you too," Tyler smiled softly, kissing him again before resting his head on Josh's shoulder.

He fell asleep, Josh smiling as he looked at his beautiful boyfriend.

This trip was bound to be amazing.

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