Chapter 13

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The boys woke up to rain and thunder, smiling as Tyler rested his head on Josh's chest, Josh's hand gently resting on his back as they both watched the rain.

"Morning, baby," Josh smiled softly.

"Hi Joshua," Tyler said, kissing the base of his jaw.

Josh cupped the base of his jaw, kissing his lips softly. Tyler smiled shyly and kissed him back, starting to get on top of his fiancé.

Josh grinned and ran his hands over Tyler's bum, his lips slowly moving from his lips to his jaw, down to his neck.

"Joshua," he giggled softly, his eyes rolling back happily.

"Mhm?" Josh hummed with a grin, hugging his waist and starting to slide his fiancés boxers down.

"We haven't even eaten breakfast," Tyler smiled shyly.

"This is breakfast," Josh smirked. "Sweet, sweet breakfast."

Tyler giggled and blushed, allowing Josh to keep kissing him.

"Can I take these off, baby?" Josh hummed with a grin, tugging at his fiancé's boxer elastic.

"Maybe," Tyler giggled.

"Why maybe?" Josh grinned.

"Only if you hold my hands during it."

"I could never not hold your hands while we're making love," Josh chuckled, kissing Tyler's hands before slipping his boxers off followed by his own.

Tyler smiled shyly as he became completely naked on top of his fiancé, Josh grinning up at him. "Wanna have a lazy day?" He asked as he gently ran his fingers through his hair.

Tyler nodded, kissing the inside of the hand that was on his cheek. "After this."

"Ohhhhhh. So now you're employing we're gonna make love, hm?" Josh smirked.

"Maybe we could break in the shower," Tyler giggled.

"Dirty, dirty boy," Josh grinned, getting up and carrying him to the shower.

No, he wasn't supposed to take his cannula off while having sex, but this was an exception. He and his fiancé were having their first time in the shower.

He rested his elbows on the window that was at eye-level, smiling as he looked out at the gorgeous rain.

Josh grinned as he gently pushed in, his arms wrapped around his abdomen.

"This is beautiful, Joshua," he smiled softly. "Making love in the shower, looking at the rain."

Josh kissed the back of his neck softly. "Mhm."

He knew Tyler wouldn't be able to last much longer without the cannula, so he picked up the pace and wrapped his hand around Tyler's hard member, beginning to jerk him off.

"Oh, Joshua," he moaned, biting his lip.

It was weird not being able to see each other's faces, but Josh could kiss at Tyler's neck and back all he wanted, squeezing his bum and giving him soft, loving sensation spanks.

"Joshie," Tyler moaned, reaching his hand back so his fiancé would hold it.

"Oh, fuck, Tyler," Josh moaned as he started to cum, Tyler beginning to release as well.

"J-Josh," he said, completely out of breath. "N-need," he gasped. "N-need to sit."

Josh quickly nodded, helping Tyler get out and lying him on the bed, giving him his cannula and helping him breathe.

"Feel ok, baby?" He asked, softly rubbing his side.

Tyler nodded, his eyes closed as he focused on his breathing.

Josh put clothes on both of them, both in sweatpants and t-shirts.

Tyler's stomach started grumbling but he wouldn't let Josh make breakfast. He just wanted to snuggle.

They watched the rain again, one of Tyler's most favorite things to do.

They eventually had waffles for breakfast, snuggling up and watching Grey's Anatomy all day in their bed, stopping once or twice to make out and have sex.

They had Chinese for dinner, Tyler making cupcakes for dessert.

"This was one of the most perfect days ever," Tyler smiled. "Definitely the most perfect day ever here. Second to our first time in Amsterdam. Nothing can ever ever ever top that."

Josh smiled and kissed his lips. "I love you, Tyler."

"I love you more," Tyler smiled.

He fell asleep on top of Josh in bed, snoring softly which made Josh grin. His fiancé was the sweetest.

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