Chapter 40

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Josh woke up, propping himself up on his elbows and grinning a wide grin as he processed the amazing night he and his husband shared last night.

Tyler wasn't in bed with him, but he heard the shower was on.

He got up and went to the bathroom, smiling to himself as he heard Tyler humming in the shower.

He stripped his clothes off and stepped in the shower as well.

"G'morning, beautiful," he smiled.

"Joshie," Tyler turned around with a smile, hugging Josh's neck.

Josh hugged him back, kissing his bare shoulder. "How're you?"

"Amazing," Tyler smiled.

"Good," Josh smiled. "My husband deserves nothing less than amazing."

Tyler giggled and kissed Josh's lips. "I look like a wet dog."

"No you don't!" Josh exclaimed.

"A wet sheep dog."

"Well you're the cutest wet sheep dog I know," Josh said.

Tyler giggled and hugged Josh tightly. He loved his husband.

So, so much.

And his husband loved him just as much back.

After they were both showered and dressed and had their morning make out session, they headed out to breakfast.

They couldn't keep themselves off each other. They wanted nothing but to touch and feel the other.

So after they finished, they went back to the hotel and snuggled up on the loveseat on the balcony.

"This is one thing I regret," Tyler said,

"What is?" Josh asked.

"We didn't really take much time to just enjoy each other last time we were here," Tyler said. "We were too busy out exploring and trying to squeeze everything in."

"Well it's a good thing we don't have anything planned, then, isn't it?" Josh grinned.

Tyler smiled and nodded, kissing Josh's lips. "I'm so excited to just get to spend time with you."

"Me too, baby," Josh replied. "We're gonna have so much fun."

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