Chapter 4

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Josh was brushing his teeth in the bathroom when he saw his boyfriend enter.

"Hi baby!" He smiled, spitting out his toothpaste and rinsing his mouth out before kissing Tyler's lips.

"Hi Joshua," Tyler giggled as he kissed him, holding onto his boyfriend's arm for support.

"Are you excited??"

Tyler blushed and nodded, finding Josh's hand and just holding it as he stood there for a minute.

"What should I wear?" He asked.

"Whatever you want," Josh said. "But you'll hafta break out your suit and tie for tonight."

Tyler dressed in his normal skinny jeans, t-shirt and jacket with a beanie. Josh wearing pretty much the same thing minus the beanie.

Josh hailed them a cab after they got ready and had breakfast, helping Tyler out once they got to their destination.

It was a long car ride, so by the time they got there it was already time for lunch.

He lead Tyler to a little river running through the city, Tyler holding his hand tightly as they walked.

They eventually reached where they were supposed to be, and before Tyler knew it, he was in a gondola, with Joshua, snuggled up with him.

He couldn't stop smiling. He'd always wanted to do something like this.

"It's a beautiful city," he said as he looked around, Josh's arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

Josh hummed and nodded in agreement. "It got 10 times more beautiful as soon as you stepped foot in it."

Tyler blushed and shook his head. Josh knew just what to say to make him feel special.

"Joshua," he smiled shyly.

"Mhmmm?" Josh hummed with a grin.

"I love you."

"I love you more," Josh replied, kissing behind his neck as they continued to be rowed throughout the city.

They had a picnic on the gondola, their hands never separating.

After a few hours they got off, Josh tipping the man before helping Tyler get out of the little boat.

"That was so amazing, Joshua," he smiled softly, reaching up and wrapping his arms around his neck. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, my love," Josh hummed with a grin, kissing his lips before walking with him to go get some pastries.

They sat in a park, feeding each other the sweets.

"Which one is your favorite?" Josh asked.

"Whichever one you just had," Tyler giggled. "I can taste it on your lips and tongue."

Josh laughed and kissed Tyler yet again. "See if you can guess."

"Hm..." Tyler hummed in thought. "Kiss me again. I couldn't quite taste it."

Josh grinned and kissed him again.


Josh chuckled and did as asked.

"Just oneeeee more time?"

Josh kissed him one final time, deeper than the rest.

"To be honest I dunno. I just wanted you to kiss me a bunch," Tyler giggled shyly.

Josh grinned and pulled Tyler closer, kissing his lips deeper than he normally would when they were out in public. They typically saved making out for when they were at home or at least in the car.

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