Chapter 22

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Tyler was asleep when Josh got there the next day, so Josh just sat there next to him, a chair pulled up next to Tyler's hospital bed as he gently held his hand.

"You're gonna make it through, Tyler," he said. "I know you are. You always do. You're the strongest person to ever walk this earth. You have to, baby. You have to make it through. F-for me. For us. F-for the wedding and the honeymoon and all the fun stuff before and after then. You've gotta make it through, Ty. You have to."

Just then, Tyler woke up. "Josh?" He asked weakly.

"Hi baby," Josh said softly.

"I kissed you."

"I missed you more."

"I said I kissed you."


"In my dream last night. I kissed you."

That made Josh smile. He held Tyler's hand against his lips as he grinned. "I'm glad you kissed me."

"I missed you, too."

"That's good," he laughed slightly.

"I miss snuggling with you."

"I know, dear. I do too. So you've gotta get better real soon so you can come home and we can snuggle up and cry together over how much we love each other," Josh grinned softly.

Tyler smiled and nodded. "I'm trying, Joshie. I promise."

Josh nodded with a smile. "I know, sweet Tyler. I know."

"They took my tube out," Tyler said quietly. He was always so soft spoken. Just one of the many, many things Josh loved about him.

"That's what your nurse said," Josh replied. "Were you awake during it?"

Tyler nodded. "I wanted them to wait until you were here so you could hold my hand but they said they had to do it then."

"But, as usual, you were brave. The bravest person I know, and you did it by yourself," Josh smiled, kissing his hand.

"I can't wait to come home, Joshie."

Josh grinned and nodded. "Me neither, baby."

"Wanna know what I'm most excited for?" Tyler grinned.

"What?" Josh smiled.

"Looking at the moon with you while we snuggle in bed after we have sex," he giggled shyly.

"I can't wait for that either," Josh smiled. "But you've gotta get better first, ok?"

"Ok," Tyler whispered softly. He was getting tired again.

"Get some sleep, sleepy boy," Josh said, gently running his fingers through his hair.

"I can't," the brunette said. "My fiancé's here."

"I'm gonna be back tomorrow," Josh promised. "And you'll get to come home in a few days. Then we can have our watching-the-moon-after-love-making date."

Tyler smiled shyly and blushed.

"I love you, Tyler Joseph."

"I love you more, Joshua William."

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