Chapter 9

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"Hi baby," Josh smiled as his fiancé woke up.

"Hi," Tyler hummed with a smile, kissing Josh's lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," Josh chuckled. In Tyler's world, it was never a bad idea to start off the morning with 'I love you's.'

"I love you a lot."

"I know you do," Josh grinned. "I'm so glad you do 'cause I'm gonna marry you."

"Ok," Tyler hummed, getting out of bed and wheeling his oxygen tank to the kitchen.

Josh smiled and giggled. His fiancé was so adorably awkward sometimes. That's what happened when you've never been to public school or had a friend that wasn't Josh or your mom.

He grinned as he lied back on Tyler's bed. He couldn't believe he was getting to marry him.

A few minutes later, Tyler walked back in carrying a box of Reese's puffs, shoving handful after handful into his mouth.

"Awwww, you're so cute," Josh grinned as his fiancé plopped down on the bed.

"I like these," Tyler mumbled as he ate and ate and ate.

"I knooooow," Josh giggled. "You ate three boxes on your birthday last year."

"They're very good."

Josh chuckled and kissed Tyler's cheek, wrapping his arm around him as he ate his cereal.

He turned on the TV, watching Grey's Anatomy with Tyler before falling asleep again, Tyler wrapping his arms around him as he continued to watch.

Eventually, a few hours later, Josh woke up.

"Hi Joshie," Tyler smiled shyly.

"Hi baby," Josh grinned sleepily, pulling Tyler closer.

"I made you lunch," Tyler said.

"Awww, thank you, sweet boy," Josh smiled, kissing his lips before getting up and going to the kitchen.

Josh came back with his plate, smiling as Tyler immediately crawled into his lap as he sat down on the bed.

"Hi TyTy," he chuckled.

"Hi," Tyler said quietly, plopping down on his lap.

Josh smiled and hugged him tightly. "I've been thinking, baby," he said.

"Ok," Tyler said.

"So I've been saving up for... a really long time now," Josh said. "And um... I know this might be too much for you, but I wanted to wait until we were engaged. A-and when I asked your parents if I could propose, I asked about this as well, and they said they were completely fine with it."

"W-what is it?" Tyler asked.

"There's this really nice apartment I've been trying to get for a while. And it finally opened up about a month ago. And I have it now, and I told the landlord someone else would live there with me. Do you wanna move in with me?"


"Yeah," Josh grinned. "That way we uh... we can y'know, do stuff, alone. And it'll be kinda like we're married just... ok, maybe it won't be like we're married, but we'll at least get to sleep in the same bed and make dinner together and spend time together all the time."

"A-are you sure you wanna... have to deal with me?" Tyler asked. "A-all my medical stuff and not being able to drive a-and not being able to g-get a job a-"

"Baby, I don't care about any of that," Josh said with a smile. "I just care about being with you."

Tyler smiled shyly, blushing and burying his face in his hands.

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