Chapter 5

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"I love you," Tyler said softly.

"I love you more," Josh whispered.

He moved so he was sitting up against the headboard, Tyler in his lap.

They continued to kiss, Tyler's hands going to the buttons on Josh's shirt and beginning to undo each one until Josh's entire abdomen was exposed.

His hand traveled down Josh's chest and onto his abs, Josh smiling as he leaned forward a bit to take it off with a bit of struggle which made Tyler giggled.

Josh laughed a bit as well, slipping Tyler's shirt over his head.

"It's stuck," Tyler giggled softly as his shirt got stuck on his head.

"Wait, I can get it," Josh said as he laughed. "Oh, wow. Ok. Definitely didn't do this right."

Tyler giggled, both of them laughing until the shirt finally came off.

Tyler took off his oxygen cannula, Josh looking up at him absolutely lovestruck.

"I love you so much," Tyler said with a soft smile.

"I love you too," Josh said softly.

Tyler's hands went to the sides of Josh's face, caressing his cheeks as they looked into each other's eyes.

"You're so beautiful," Josh whispered a few minutes later.

Tyler smiled shyly, leaning forward and kissing his lips, Josh sitting up and hugging him tightly as he kissed back as passionately as he could.

"Joshua, I can't breathe," Tyler giggled softly against Josh's lips, Josh sitting back so he was leaning against the headboard again.

He reached over and grabbed his oxygen, putting it back over his ears and into his nose.

Josh helped hold it on there for a minute while Tyler caught his breath, Tyler unable to stop smiling as he inhaled and exhaled.

He eventually was breathing normally again, and they were left looking into one another's eyes.

"You're so beautiful," Josh whispered again, his hands sliding over Tyler's bare chest.

"Stop," Tyler whispered, giggling shyly, caressing Josh's face.

"You're so beautiful," Josh repeated. "Oh my God, you're so beautiful."

"I love you," Tyler said softly.

Josh leaned forward and kissed his lips again, their hands wrapped around each other's torsos and backs as their lips collided in kisses more passionate than they'd ever shared before.

Tyler gently pushed Josh so he was back against the headboard, removing his pants and boxers.

Josh didn't know what to say. He felt as if he couldn't move.

Tyler's beauty brought him to tears.

"Joshua," Tyler whispered, running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair.

"O-oh my god," Josh said, wiping his tears. "You're so fucking beautiful, Tyler Joseph."

Tyler blushed deeply, hugging his boyfriend's neck tightly.

Josh then took off his own pants and boxers, rolling over so he was on top of Tyler.

He pressed kisses all over Tyler's chest, down to his belly and lower belly before making his way back up.

"I love you," he told Tyler, brushing the hair off of the brunette's forehead. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Tyler replied softly, smiling as he looked into Josh's eyes, their foreheads and noses pressed together.

Everything from there happened so quickly yet so beautifully slow.

Tyler carefully spread his legs, Josh littering kisses down his beautiful body again.

He comforted Tyler while he prepped him, caressing his sides and kissing his face.

"It's just me, baby," he'd say as Tyler started to whimper in pain or nervousness. "It's just me and you. That's it. Just me, you, and so much love."

The brunette nodded and was soon ready to start.

Josh gently pushed in, helping Tyler through the pain. "I've got you, baby. I've got you. You're okay. I'm right here," he said, finding Tyler's right hand and holding it with his left.

"I love you," Tyler said softly as he looked up into Josh's eyes.

"I love you more," he answered, kissing his lips and running his fingers through his hair. "I can't wait to make love to you."

A few minutes later, Tyler was ready for Josh to move.

He started slow at first, watching Tyler's face flinch as he felt some pain.

But suddenly, his pain turned to more pleasure than he had ever felt.

"Joshua," he said softly.

"Yes, baby?"

"I love you."

"I know, my love," Josh smiled softly, kissing his lips. "I love you too. Are you okay if I go a little faster?"

Tyler nodded, so Josh did.

Both boys pressed their foreheads together, looking into each other's eyes the whole time.

Tyler caressed Josh's cheek with his thumb as Josh softly made love to him, beginning to cry.

But it wasn't because he was in pain or regret it.

Not at all.

Tyler cried when he got overwhelmed with positive emotion, especially love and happiness.

Josh smiled softly, wiping his tears and kissing his lips as he continued to thrust. "I love you," he said quietly.

"I-I love you too," Tyler replied, sniffling as he cupped Josh's cheek and kissed his lips.

A while later, both boys reached their highs at the same time, kissing each other's lips through it, breaking apart a few times to let out a moan.

After they came down, Josh pulled out and lied down beside Tyler. The smaller boy immediately moved so that his head was resting on Josh's chest, his hand running up and down it.

Josh wrapped his arm around Tyler, smiling at him softly and receiving a smile back.

They leaned towards each other and kissed, Tyler's hand still on Josh's chest.

"I love you," Josh smiled softly.

"I love you too," Tyler whispered in reply.

Never in a million years had Tyler dreamed losing his virginity would be such a romantic and safe feeling experience.

And never in a million years had Josh dreamed losing his virginity would be such a love and tear-filled experience.

Both boys were more than pleasantly surprised, and couldn't wait to do it again sometime.

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