Chapter 2

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"Tyler," Josh smiled, gently shaking his boyfriend. "Tyler, baby, wake up. We made it."

"We're in Amsterdam?" Tyler smiled sleepily.

"Mhm," Josh hummed with a grin, kissing his lips.

Tyler squeezed his hand, looking into Josh's eyes for a while. He could do it all day long.

But eventually, they had to go.

So they got all their things, Josh carrying both their carry on items while Tyler wheeled his oxygen tank to the luggage kiosk.

They got their bags and hailed a cab to the hotel.

"O-oh my goodness, Joshua, this room is beautiful," Tyler said, absolutely shocked by the beauty.

Josh had planned everything for this trip, and he certainly wasn't going to let Tyler down. This was Tyler's dream. This was what he wanted to do, and had been begging to do since he and Josh started dating.

He wouldn't be able to travel again after this, so Josh was going to make it as memorable as possible.

"Only one bed, baby," Josh smiled, hugging Tyler from behind.

Tyler smiled and blushed shyly.

Josh knew Tyler had always wanted to share a bed with him, and now, he finally could.

"What do you say we test it out?" Josh asked as Tyler yawned.

The brunette boy nodded, crawling into the bed with Josh, immediately being snuggled by him. He smiled to himself, ducking his head shyly.

"What's going through your mind, Tyler Joseph?" Josh grinned, running his fingers through Tyler's hair softly.

"I'm in Amsterdam, with the boy of my dreams, i-in the same bed," he giggled shyly.

Josh grinned, kissing his forehead. "Funny you say that. That's exactly what's going through my head."

So after a few hours of snuggling, the boys decided to walk around a little bit.

Because of Tyler's health, he couldn't walk very long, but still. He and Josh loved just sightseeing and holding hands.

He went about thirty minutes before needing to sit down on a park bench, Josh wrapping his own jacket around him.

"You ok, baby?" He asked, rubbing his back softly.

Tyler nodded. "Y-yeah," he said, trying to catch his breath. "I-I'm Fine."

Josh nodded, kissing his temple.

A little while later, Tyler was ready to go again.

So they walked for thirty more minutes, and then made the decision they should head back to the room because it was getting too cold for Tyler to be walking out in.

Due to the cancer, he couldn't be out in certain temperatures.

They decided to order room service, not turning on the TV like most couples would but instead Tyler just sitting on Josh's lap.

They were enough entertainment for each other, between the 'i love you's,' kissing, tickles, and hugs.

And not to mention, getting lost in each other's eyes.

They could do that for hours.

Things would get quiet, and they'd look at one another. They'd smile and blush, Tyler giggling softly as Josh rubbed circles into the back of his hand with his thumb.

Until eventually, one of them would break and lean forward to hug or kiss the other.

This time, they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Josh grinned and kissed his lips before Tyler got off of his lap, Josh going to answer the door.

They thanked the man who brought them their food before sitting on the balcony together, Tyler in Josh's lap as they fed each other their meals, giggling and rubbing their noses together.

"I love you so much, Tyler," Josh smiled softly.

"I love you more, Joshua," Tyler grinned.

After they finished their food, they headed back inside and crawled into bed, their limbs entangled since they were beyond excited to finally sleep together in the same bed and not have to worry about Tyler's mom walking in.

Josh gently rubbed Tyler's side, telling him over and over again how beautiful he was.

"What're we gonna do tomorrow?" Tyler asked.

"I was thinking we'd just kind of explore around," Josh replied. "The day after, though, my dear... be prepared for a day of romance."

Tyler blushed and smiled shyly. "You spoil me, Joshua."

"It's impossible to spoil someone who is owed the world," Josh replied, kissing his lips softly.

Tyler kissed him back. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby. Sweet dreams," he said softly, turning off the lamp so they were in complete darkness.

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