Chapter 14

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Tyler giggled as he woke up to kisses against his bare back, Josh grinning as he saw Tyler starting to move, meaning he was awake.

"G'morning," Josh hummed with a wide grin.

"G'morning, Jishwa," Tyler smiled, turning so he was facing his fiancé. "Whoaaaaaaaa, you have a beard now."


"I don't like it."

"What?! Why?!" Josh exclaimed.

"It's scratchy when you kiss me," Tyler said softly, kissing his forehead. "And it makes you look 30. A handsome 30 year old, but a 30 year old. And I wanna be a 17 year old looking like he's dating another 17 year old."

"Fineeeeeee," Josh groaned, getting up and going to the bathroom to shave.

Tyler giggled and rolled his oxygen tank to the bathroom, sitting on the counter and wrapping his arms around Josh's bare abdomen.

Josh couldn't help but smile, hugging him for a minute before starting to shave.

"Yayyyyy baby face," Tyler hummed with a grin once Josh finished.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"C'mere," Tyler giggled. "Gimme a hug."

Josh sighed and wrapped his arms around his fiancé, kissing the top of his head.

"You're sooooooo handsome, Joshua."

Josh hummed with a soft smile, kissing Tyler's temple. "You're sooooooo handsome, too, Tyler."

"We should maybe get naked and maybe do fun stuff," Tyler said quietly.

"Are you suggesting we make love?" Josh grinned, tilting Tyler's chin upward so they were looking into each other's eyes.

"M-maybe," Tyler giggled shyly.

Josh happily walked Tyler back to their bedroom, lying him down on the bed and telling him to get naked.

"Don't move," Josh grinned. "I'll be right back."

Tyler giggled and nodded, getting under the covers after he took his clothes off and making sure his cannula was set up so it wouldn't be in the way.

"Ok, so," Josh said as he entered the bedroom holding something. "I got us this new lube that's supposed to be just absolutely incredible. Wanna try it?"

Tyler shrugged and nodded. He didn't really know how sex worked other than the absolute basics. He typically just lied there while Josh did whatever.

Josh smiled and undressed, getting under the covers and beginning to kiss his fiancé's chest.

"So beautiful, baby," he hummed softly. "Every day, every night, you make me realize how lucky I am to have such a beautiful fiancé. Inside and out."

Tyler blushed, smiling shyly. "I-I Love you."

"I love you more," Josh grinned. "I'm gonna start, ok?"

Tyler nodded, wrapping his arms around his fiancé's neck.

They both came a while later, Tyler lying on top of Josh, kissing one another's lips lazily, their eyes both closed.

"I love you," Tyler said softly.

"I love you too," Josh replied sleepily, gently running his fingers over his back and bum.

Tyler fell asleep in the middle of kissing his fiancé, Josh smiling as finally opening his eyes. He continued to gently love on his fiancé, making him smile in his sleep.

He eventually fell asleep as well, waking up a couple hours later to Tyler sitting on his belly, smiling as he looked at his engagement ring and twisted it on his finger.

"Hi Jishwa," he smiled. "I have pants on."

"I see that," Josh chuckled as his fiancé in shorts. Tyler liked bringing up the most random observations. "Do you like your ring?"

Tyler grinned widely and nodded.

"Good," Josh smiled.

"I made food."

"Ooooh, what'd ya make?"

"Brownies," Tyler said excitedly.

"Let's go get some," Josh said.

"I wanna bring them to you," Tyler quickly said. "You took care of me during sex, now I wanna take care of you after."

Josh smiled and nodded, kissing his hands.

Tyler got up, waddling to the kitchen as he rolled his oxygen tank behind him. He got a plate of brownies and a glass of milk, returning to his fiancé and giving them to him.

"Awwwww, thank you, TyTy."

But, Tyler ended up eating nearly all the brownies. As usual. He loved his sweets.

They had to go grocery shopping today, so they showered and got dressed, going to the store and buying a bunch of groceries.

They went back home and Josh made dinner for both of them while Tyler sat on the counter and looked at possible wedding venues even though they weren't planning on getting married for several more years.

"This one is really pretty," Tyler said, Josh coming over to him and looking at the website with him. "But it's really expensive. Wow. Like, really, really expensive. Never mind."

"That doesn't matter," Josh said. "We can have it there if you want it to be there. Don't worry about the money."

"We've gotta be realistic, though, Joshie," Tyler said.

"We are being realistic," Josh said. "I'm gonna work as much as I need to, as hard as I need to for you to have the wedding of your dreams. That's what I wanna give to you."

"I don't want you to stress out about working, though," Tyler replied.

"I have what? Five years to save up for it? That's plenty of time, honey. Get anything and everything you want for it," Josh said.

He felt like the least he could do for Tyler was give him an amazing wedding.

Because even though they had agreed to act like Tyler was going to live over 25, the idea of that not being the case still lurked in the back of Josh's head.

"It's not fair that you're the only one working," Tyler said. "I'm gonna try to get some sort of online thing when school starts back up. I've been applying over the past few weeks."

"I know you wanna work, baby. But I really am okay being the only one. It truly, truly does not matter to me," Josh said softly.

"I want to. I'm going to."

"Why didn't you tell me you were applying?" Josh asked.

Tyler shrugged.

"Just make sure you don't work yourself too hard, ok? Stress isn't good for you. It isn't good for anybody."

"That's why I don't want you to have to work as hard as you're planning on working," Tyler said. "I promise I won't work too hard, ok?"

Josh nodded, kissing Tyler's cheek before continuing to cook.

All they ended up deciding on that night was the venue, but that was okay. They had five more years to plan everything else out.

They ate dinner, Tyler being in one of his snuggly moods again where he straddled Josh's lap and fell asleep like that at the dinner table.

Josh smiled and carried him to their bedroom, tucking him into bed before checking his oxygen tank.

"We're gonna have to change it in the morning," he said to himself as he saw it didn't have much left in it.

He was nervous for it. He had never done it before. But he knew how to do it and that Tyler did too.

Everything would be perfectly fine.

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