1: Home

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It was cold and dark as (Y/N) laid in the damp, windowless room.

She was scared again. She seemed to live in fear for as long as she could remember. 

Noises from above scared the small girl. Foot steps. So many foot steps above her. 

'He must be holding another party...' She thought, hugging herself in the corner as she listened. Thuds and bumps made her jump,  they were loud. 

She only hoped he wouldn't bring the party in here like he occasionally does.

A loud round of foot steps stormed the stairs outside her door causing the (Y/H/C) to frantically look around the small room for escape.

There was none, just like the many times she had searched for one in her years of living here. 

Shifting into her small wolf form, (Y/N) cowered in the corner as she tried to hide.

The voices were loud and the keys were jingling.

The more time that ticked by the scarier it got, her thoughts overwhelming her as she thought about the possible things they would do. 

As if the person on the other side was impatient, the door was kicked in and two large men walked into the small room, there eyes searching for anything before they zeroed in on her.

(Y/N) shook with fear as she whimpered. 

They seemed to soften at the sight of her but as they got closer, (Y/N) grew more scared.

They loomed over her like mountains over a pebble and (Y/N) couldn't control it. 

Before she knew it, (Y/N) had peed.

The two men stood still in shock before yelling was heard from behind them. Quickly, the two men were pushed out of the way by an furious looking woman with red glowing eyes.

Eyes like him. 

Shaking in her pee,(Y/N) backed as far away as she could, continuing her efforts even after she'd hit the wall.

The woman soften at the sight of the small wolf before turning to the men.

"You had one fucking job! Get out of my sights before I strip you of your positions as banish you, you good for nothing wolves!" She screamed in her Alpha tone.

Both men scurried away leaving the two alone, and while the thought should bring her comfort, she was terrified of what this woman would do now they were alone.

Looking back at the small white wolf, her eyes changed from their crimson red to a vibrant green as she looked at her sympathetically, walking over to the corner.

Kneeling down, she hesitantly reached out a hand and stroked the dirty white fur. It was knotted and tangled but still soft.

The touch sent a wave of calm over the girl as she began to slightly relax.

Wrong move.

Relaxing into the touch, (Y/N) closed her eyes and savored the warmth it had brought.

The woman watched her causiously before bringing her other hand down to scoop her up. 

As soon as she felt the pressure of the hands picking her up, (Y/N) cried out in fear as she yelped, barked and screamed, the sounds breaking the green eyed woman's heart.

Pulling her into her chest, she stroked her fur to calm her down as she shh'ed her.

They sat their like this for hours before the young wolf began to dose off.

"Welcome home little mate..." The woman whispered as the wolf in her arms closed her eyes.


A/N: Yes? or No?

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