18: To Kill a Mocking Bird

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"One more chapter please?" (Y/N) asked as she sleepily rubbed her eyes, tucked away in the crook of Laurens arm as the Alpha read to her. This was a common thing for the two, (Y/N) shifting to her human form away from prying eyes in the privacy of their room and Lauren reading to her before bed.

Things were becoming normal for the two. (Y/N) still didn't trust the pack enough to shift around them so she remained in her wolf form, but Lauren understood.

So during the day Lauren would do any necessary paperwork before listening to her pack members concerned and opinions as she walked around and greeted them, followed by daily training with her pack and mate.

Mean while (Y/N) would care for and play with the pups of the pack while their parents went about their duties. Some days she would hang out with Ally or the kitchen staff as well, greeting them in the morning and having breakfast with them on the days Lauren had to work early.

So when the pouty Omega asked Lauren for another chapter after she hadn't seen her all day, Lauren caved. She felt guilty for leaving before she woke and for missing their training, so she placed a kiss upon her forehead, watching the Omega close her eyes in bliss, before mumbling an 'okay'.

"Atticus was feeble-" Lauren started.

"What's that word mean again, Lo?" (Y/N) interrupted.

Lauren smiled down at her mate lovingly. "It means he is weak because he is old." Lauren gently explained, using her spare hand to rub her mates cheek gently as the (Y/H/C) closed her eyes at the feeling.

"Oh..." Was all she said, Lauren lifting the book again as she started once more. 

"-He was nearly fifty. when Jem and I asked him why he was so old, he said he got started late, which we felt reflected upon his abilities and manliness. He was much older than the parents of our school contemporaries-" Lauren stopped again when she heard her mate ask her name. Already knowing what she meant she explained the word to her and began reading again.

This continued for a few more paragraphs before the young wolf fell asleep, Lauren marking the page before placing the book on her night stand.

Kissing the young wolfs head she pulled the sheet up and settled down, holding her mate close before closing her eyes to join her in a peaceful slumber.

(Y/N)s sleep wasn't peaceful. She woke in a fit, drenched in sweat and at a loss of breath. wiggling her way out of the Alphas grip she walked to the bathroom before starting herself a cold shower to wash away her nightmare. 

But as far as the young wolf was concerned, it wasn't a nightmare at all. It was real and it had happened. They were her memories and she couldn't get rid of them. 

They were a common thing for the girl. Lauren usually waking her before she woke herself, but she knew the older wolf was extremely tired after the previous days work and didn't want to be a bother.

Stripping herself of Laurens shirt and her underwear, she walked into the shower and sat of the stone tiles, the cool water running down her back.

She didn't know how long she sat there but she guessed it had been a while when Lauren walked in and looked at her sympathetically. 

Removing her own clothes, the Alpha soon joined the girl, sitting behind her and hugging her to her chest.

Lauren whispered sweet nothings in her ear and placed kisses on her shoulder, trying to get the girl to forget her dream.

"You're safe now, my love. No one will ever hurt you again. I'm here now." 

As if on queue, the small wolf broke down, shoving her face into Laurens neck as the Alpha held her tight and soothed her. 

Soon she reduced to sniffles and apologies, Lauren silencing every sorry she tried to say with a kiss. "Why do you apologies, pup? There is nothing to be sorry for. It isn't your fault, little one." Lauren told her, pushing the wet hair out of her mates (Y/E/C) eyes.

"You, you deal with me. It's silly of me to waste time. You are important to the pack." (Y/N) got out, Lauren waiting patiently for her mate to find the right words, even though there were still some missing.

"Yes, but you are my mate, and you will always come first. I don't believe any time with you is a waste because you are my life. It is never silly to be with you because it is my reason to live. And whenever you need me I'll be right here." Lauren told her, tapping where her heart was gently.

Hanging her head in embarrassment, (Y/N) played with her nails. Lauren waited patiently again, waiting for her mate to speak.

"Had another brain memory..." She whispered, Lauren finding it endearing what she called dreams.

"It's okay to have those. They mean you're still alive and you made it through them. You're a survivor and they make you stronger. They remind you what you went through and how far you've come and you should be proud. When you look back on where you were a year ago it wasn't nice. But now, you have me. You have a family and a pack." Lauren told her, puffing her chest out proudly.

 "I have you." Was the only thing she repeated to the Alpha, puckering her lips and waiting for Lauren to kiss her.

Lauren chuckled at her mate but complied, kissing her mate sweetly and slowly.

"I love you, pup. Don't forget that." Lauren told her, kissing her temple next before picking up the bottle of soap next to them and lathering her mates body in it.

As soon as she rinsed the soap off, the two hopped out of the shower before drying off and making their way back to  bed.

Wrapped securely in her mates arms, ear pressed to Laurens chest,(Y/N) drifted off to her mates heart beat.

Lauren watched the (Y/H/C) with adoration. She couldn't believe how lucky she had gotten and thanked the moon goddess everyday for it. Pressing a final kiss to her mates hairline, she settled in for a few more hours sleep, making a mental note to take tomorrow off.

Maybe they could visit the field tomorrow.

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