8: Rough Play

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Lauren woke to a tugging on her ear, her mate standing on her back as she pulled at it.

Huffing , Lauren sat up causing (Y/N) to slide down her back.

Laurens tail wagged as she watched her mate, the younger, smaller wolf pouncing on it and holding on, the Alphas tail dragging her back and forth across the floor.

Standing up, (Y/N) stood on her back paws as she held on, Lauren turning to come face to face with her mate causing the young wolf to let go and smile at her sheepishly.

Lauren playfully growled before kissing the small wolf, soon settling down as she let her wolf move to the front of her mind. 

(Y/N) relaxed in between Laurens front paws, closing her eyes as she reveled in the warmth before Lauren started to nuzzle and groom her.

Lauren wanted to make sure all of the wolves would know she was taken so she was adamant on scent marking the small wolf.

(Y/N) whined as Lauren licked her fur, fussing slightly before Lauren growled at her to stay still.

Resting her head on Laurens paw, she nuzzled the fur and attempted to mimic Laurens actions.

Both wolves were please at this, moving to the front of each of their minds as they interacted with each other.

Standing up, (Y/N) nuzzled Laurens chest before licking Laurens nose and cheeks, Lauren returning the favor.

Laying down on her side, Lauren let the much smaller wolf continue after she was finished.

Climbing on top of the large wolf, (Y/N) nuzzled into the fur, sniffing around for other scents besides her own.

After a while, Lauren playfully swatted her off her side, the younger wolf barking at her action.

Lauren huffed and rolled her eyes, fueling (Y/N)s wolf.

Nipping at Laurens paws, the Alpha dismissed her and closed her eyes. the smaller wolf huffing before choosing to bite and tug at Laurens ears.

Laurens ear twitched as she let out a growl, refusing to move or open her eyes.

Huffing, (Y/N) pulled at Laurens tail before running and ramming into Laurens side.

Batting her away playfully, Lauren rolled onto her back and watched the small wolf circle her before attempting to climb onto her stomach.

Eventually climbing onto Lauren chest with a little bit of help, she looked down at her mate before rearing up on her hind legs to stomp down.

Lauren looked at her amused before batting her away and rolling over.

This went on for a while longer before Lauren pulled the small wolf into her chest and held her close, nipping at her ear when she tried to escape.

They laid like this for five minutes before Lauren let go and stood up, walking downstairs as the (Y/N) tried to follow, barking at Laurens receding figure.

When she figures Lauren wasn't coming back she attempted the stairs by herself, eventually sliding down the majority before skidding into a wall at the bottom, quickly running off to find Lauren.

Trotting into the kitchen, (Y/N) looking around before being caught off guard as Lauren nipped at her heels and nudged her forward.

For a large wolf, she was sneaky.

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