30: Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice

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"An then- then I kicked Dinahs ass into next week!" (Y/N) told Lauren as she jumped up and down on their king sized bed. 

Lauren listened to her mate from the bathroom as she took off her makeup for the day. "Good job, baby. You're getting so much better with your defence techniques and I couldn't be prouder." Lauren told her, turning off the bathroom light before making her way into the bedroom. 

"But how do you know the word ass, I thought we used butt?" Lauren asked as she laid down on her stomach on her side of the bed, her mate in questioning dropping to sit next to her with a slight bounce. 

"Yeah we did but after the dinner to celebrate the birth of a new pup, when you had those gross drinks, we were coming back to our room. And I was racing you up the stairs, like I always do, and you call out after me, and I quote. 'Aye baby, you gotta fine ass!' And then smacked my butt, don't worry it didn't hurt, but from what you said and then straight after smacking my butt I linked the two to have the same meaning right?" (Y/N) told the Alpha quickly as she bounced slightly, using erratic hand gestures as she continued.

"So then today, I  told Dinah I was going to kick her butt and she said, 'nah boo, my ass won't be touching grass today.' So again; butt equals ass. Yes?" She asked, pausing her bouncing to look at her mate for a few seconds. 

Lauren frowned in confusion as she tried to keep up with her mate. She didn't remember saying that... 

Checking the time Lauren saw it was nearing ten o'clock at night before looking back at her mate whom had started to bounce on the bed again. 

"Did someone give you sugar?" She asked her mate as she cocked her head to the side. 

The bouncing stopped once Lauren had asked the question, the Omega looking towards the Alpha like a deer caught in headlights. 

"Well, no one gave me the sugar per-say. However, there was a dish of sugar cubes on the table for after dinner tea and coffee and no one said I couldn't have some, so I did, and now I have so much energy. Do you think Dinah would spar a few more rounds with me?" She finished, asking Lauren a question which she deemed very important at this time of the night. 

Sitting up straight, (Y/N) looked towards the door and scooted closer to the edge of the bed.

"It's too late for pups to be sparing." Lauren said, pulling her back onto the bed before she could get too far away. "And you know better than to eat sugar cubes at tea time when I'm not there. Just because someone doesn't say you can't, doesn't mean you should either. I thought you knew better than to do that." Lauren told her with clear disappointment.

(Y/N) frowned at she looked down at her lap and played with her fingers. "'M sorry, Lo... I wont do it again..." She told her mate.

"I'd hope not, Pup." Lauren replied before dropping her head back onto her pillow.

A minute of silence went by, letting Laurens words hang in the air as the Omega shifted anxiously. "I swear I never will." She said to the Alpha again, looking up at her mate to gauge her reaction.

Lauren sighed before opening her arms for the Omega, "I know you wont, love." She told her, the younger wolf happily falling into her mates arms for a quick cuddle sesh.

A few minutes of cuddling passed and Lauren thought she was in the clear, before her mate abruptly sat up from her arms and bounced off the bed. "Let's do something, Lo. I'm bored." She told her.

Lauren sighed again before sitting up and watching her mate.

"Let's go to our spot. We haven't been there at night time before!" (Y/N) suggested, running to the closet to get a jacket and a beanie. 

Racing back out of the closet, (Y/N) stuffed the massive jumper onto her small body and pulled the beanie onto her head before waiting for Lauren. 

Lauren debated her options, she could deny the younger wolf but it would inevitably end up in tears or a tantrum from her mate due to the on going sugar rush. Or she could endure a walk through the woods and a stroll through the field. 

She ended up dragging her fatigue body off their beloved bed and getting a jacket and beanie of her own. 

(Y/N) squealed in excitement, jumping up and down a few times before she gave Lauren a kiss and raced out the door.

Oh how she wished her little mate would just sleep the sugar away...

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