4: Luna

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(Y/N) sat on the bed as Lauren stood in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Her eyes trained on the door way that the brunette had disappeared through.

Spitting out her tooth paste, Lauren checked her hair in hair in the mirror before starting her make up. "I have to do paper work today. File all of the prison and transfer papers and distribute homes and rooms to new members." Lauren yelled into the bedroom.

(Y/N) paced the mattress as she looked towards the door where Lauren spoke from. She couldn't see her and it made her anxious.

Another few minutes passed where Lauren had yet to come back. Letting out a whimper, (Y/N) decided to bark for attention, letting out several barks as loud as she could. 

Lauren stuck her head through the door with a quirked eyebrow at her mate. "What?" She asked as the wolf excitedly wagged her tail and jumped around the bed as she saw Lauren.

Lauren smiled at the small wolf taking a step closer to lean against the door frame. "You're cute, you know that?" Lauren asked causing the wolf to tilt her head to the side.

Lauren smiled at the small wolf before she went to turn back to the bathroom. "Let me finish my makeup and I'll be back to cuddle for a bit." Lauren said.

(Y/N) started to panic when she could no longer see her again, barking as she fidgeted in her place before taking a leap.

Quite literally, off the bed.

Yelping out as she hit the floor, Lauren ran back into the room worried. "Are you okay pup?" Lauren asked as she cradled her mate to her chest.

(Y/N) whimpered are Lauren checked her back leg, letting out a yelp as she pressed down. Lauren frowned but quickly apologized before standing up and rushing to the pack doctors.

"Hey Lauren, what's up?" Ally asked as her Alpha rushed through the doors.

"(Y/N/N) jumped off the bed, I think she broke her leg. Can you take a look Als?" Lauren asked her friend.

Ally nodded and sent her a sympathetic look before ushering them to examination room three.

"Alright, let's take a look." Ally said as she examined the small wolf on Laurens lap, (Y/N) whimpering and nuzzling into Laurens stomach.

"We'll take x-rays to confirm but I think you're right..." Ally said after awhile. 

Lauren sighed and (Y/N) laid down in defeat.

By the time they walked out of the clinic, (Y/N) supported a black cast against her white fur and Lauren was late to work.

"Come on pup, let's go to my office." Lauren said tiredly, it had been an eventful morning so instead of leaving her mate in their room, she decided to keep her where she could see her.

As they walked down the hall, Camila stood outside Laurens office waiting. Lauren frowned as she eyed the stack of papers in her Betas hands. 

Once they got closer, Lauren spoke up. "Give me five minutes before you come in." She said before entering the room and closing the door behind her.

Sitting down in her chair, Lauren let out a breath and relaxed, soon broken out of it as (Y/N) squirmed in her lap. 

Setting the small wolf on the floor, (Y/N) walked around dragging her back leg as she explored the large room.

Lauren smiled at the inquisitive wolf before pulling out a fresh sheet of paper and a pen.

"Alright," Lauren said as she looked up at her mate. "Let's set some rules. Rule number one, no jumping off the bed or any piece of furniture. Get me or someone else to help you down." Lauren said, sending a firm look towards the younger wolf making (Y/N) bow her head at the Alphas command.

"Rule two, you have to eat at least twice a day, I think your malnutrition has something to do with you puppy wolf form." Lauren said as she thought out loud before writing it down.

"Number three, you have to give me at least one hour of cuddles a day." Lauren said grinning.

(Y/N) wagged her tail at that rule, running over to Laurens chair as fast as she could with her cast before rubbing her head against the Alphas legs.

The brunette smiled before picking up her mate and kissing the top of her head, turning back to the paper.

"Number four, daily baths. Number five is exercise. We'll walk together everyday after I finish work. Once you're out of the cast we'll work on training. I can't have my Luna being unprotected." Lauren said as she wrote, catching her mate turn her head to the side questioning.

"What?" Lauren asked.

(Y/N) huffed and pawed Laurens arm.

"I don't understand." Lauren said frowning.

Moving towards the desk, (Y/N) put her paw over rule five.

"You don't want to train?" Lauren asked confused.

(Y/N) huffed and shook her head as she tapped it again.

Lauren went to speak but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Good morning Alpha, Luna." Camila said, bowing her head in respect to her leaders.

(Y/N) pawed Laurens chest and looked between her and Camila. Lauren looked down at her confused.

"Alpha, is our Luna okay?" Camila said, eyed the prominent black cast.

(Y/N) let the barks build in her chest before barking twice at the two wolves. 

"Are you trying to asked about being called Luna?" Lauren asked as she kept studying her mate.

(Y/N) nodded and wagged her tail at Lauren for finally understanding.

Camila looked at them confused before Lauren looked towards her. "I'll need another ten minutes Camila, please start on the transfer papers for the women and children looking to join, (Y/N)s mother should be at the top of the pile." Lauren spoke before dismissing her Beta.

Looking at her her mate Lauren frowned at her slightly before explaining. "Do you know what a Luna is?" Lauren questioned.

(Y/N) shook her head causing Laurens frown to deepen.

"Do you know what a mate is?" She asked hopefully.

Again, (Y/N) shook her head. 

"We have a lot to talk about, little one." Lauren said sighing.

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