32: No

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"Are you getting out of bed today?" Lauren asked from the bathroom. 

"No," was the only reply she got, her half asleep mate pulling the covers over her head as Lauren continued to apply her makeup.

"Alright, pup. I'll check on you after my meeting." Lauren told her once she'd finished getting ready.

(Y/N) hummed her agreement from under the duvet before Lauren pulled it away from her mates face, kissing the young wolfs forehead before leaving. 

An hour later Dinah came knocking at the door. "Yo, Luna. Would you still like to spar today?" She asked the younger wolf.

"No," She told the Delta, not moving from the bed as she stared at the small screen Lauren had given her. She'd called it 'a phone', but she was using it to swipe through pictures of her mate.

"Okay, Luna. Call me when you'd like to train next." Dinah told her before walking away.

Another hour passed when Camila came knocking on the door to check on the Luna. "(Y/N), Lauren sent me to check on you. The meeting has gone longer than planned. Would you like me to bring you food or to train with you?" She asked from the door.

"No." (Y/N) told the Beta, rolling over on the bed and shoving her face into Laurens pillow.

"Okay, Luna." Camila replied, leaving the young wolf alone.

A few more hours had pass and the young wolf had fallen asleep, waking to her mate lightly tracing her facial features. "Hi, Pup. Are you feeling alright?" Lauren asked with a concerned frown.

(Y/N) frowned as she thought about how to answer the question. She was okay. But she felt bad. She felt sad mad. 

Pursing her lips together as she frowned, she shook her head at her mate.

"What is it, my love?" Lauren asked, tucking some stray hair behind her mates ear.

"I choked." She told Lauren.

The Alpha looked at her mate confused. "Last night?" She asked the Omega.

(Y/N) nodded her head in shame as she pouted at the Alpha.

Lauren sighed in relief that there wasn't anything physically wrong with her mate before laying down and pulling the young girl into her chest. "It's okay, pup. Even the best warriors choke sometimes. Certain things catch us off guard as make us freeze or run. It happens." Lauren told her.

"To you?" (Y/N) asked, looking up at the Alpha.

"Mhm," Lauren hummed. "It was the day I found you. We were fighting the pack that had you locked away and as we were fighting I caught a whiff of your scent on the coat of the other Alpha. It caught me off guard and he got me pinned. 

Luckily, Camila had my six and got him off me. But I froze. You're my weak spot, Pup." Lauren told her, looking at her mate lovingly before pressing a kiss to the (Y/H/C)s forehead.

(Y/N) sighed in bliss as Laurens lips touched her forehead. The young wolf closing her eyes, trying to burn the feeling to memory before she pulled away.

"Thank you." (Y/N) told her, opening her eyes once Lauren had pulled away. 

"For?" Lauren asked, a slight slime gracing her lips as she watched the Omega.

(Y/N) thought for a few seconds on how to word her reply. "Letting me be your weakness." 


Hope you Enjoy the update. I have a new werewolf Camila/You fic up now. It's only the first three chapters but I hope you'll give it a read and like it. It's called, 'Would You Ever?'

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