7: Merge

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Lauren had been busy with pack work lately. It had been a few days since the meeting they'd had with the elders and Lauren had mostly been locked up in her study, leaving (Y/N) with Ally in the hospital ward.

(Y/N) hated being away from Lauren. It had been days and they hadn't had they daily cuddles in what felt like forever. 

The hospital smelt like sanitiser, the linoleum floors and white walls intimidating the young, small wolf. 

By now though, (Y/N) had gotten use to it, her nose guiding her around the large building as she would run into pack members and be given pats.

She always made her way back to Ally though, the Salutary needing hourly check-ins to make sure she's safe.

Trotting down the hall, (Y/N) turned into Ally's office. It was nearing lunch time and the small wolf was excited for it.

"Hello little one." Ally smiled, placing two bowl on the floor before eating her chicken salad. "Eat up, (Y/N/N). After lunch we can check that back leg. You might get the cast off." Ally said with a wink.

The small wolf barked at the doctor before digging into her food.

Ten minutes later, (Y/N) was laying on the examination table as Ally used the small saw to cut off the cast.

Checking the leg and stretching it out, Ally smiled and gave her the all clear before placing her on the floor. "Don't jump off any more furniture, okay?" Ally warned playfully, receiving a bark as a reply.

Bounding out the door, (Y/N) jumped, hopped and ran to her hearts content without the limitations of the bulk cast.

Turning the corner, the wolf ran straight into someones legs. 

A large gruff man in a security uniform loomed over the small wolf. Mountain to pebble.

Terror ran through the wolfs veins as she stared at the man. 

"What are you doing around here? Your parents must been worried about you." The security guard said as he bent down to pick her up.

Fight or flight instincts kicked into the girls mind as she dashed though his legs and down the corridor, the security guard yelling and chasing after her.

She sprinted as fast as she could down several halls before the front doors came into view. 

She could see the tree line, the forest. Bushes, trees, grass, logs. Perfect place to hide.

So she bolted out of them as someone came in, the lady stumbling out of her way before blocking the security guard.

Dashing into the forest she continued to run, voices and footsteps fading the further she went.

Halting her run to catch her breath, (Y/N) spotted a tree she could hide in.

 A few minutes after people ran by looking for her. 

Once she was sure they were gone, she slowly emerged from her tree and cautiously took a few steps out. 

Letting out a breath of relief, it was quickly follow by a yelp as she was picked up by the scruff of her neck by a large black wolf.

Running back the the house, Lauren took them to their room before placing her on down on the carpet.

(Y/N) immediately submitted to the large wolf, power and dominance oozing out of her.

Lauren knew she was the Alpha and she wore it well.

Leaning down to her mate, Lauren nuzzled her neck before nipping at her ear, silently telling her not to do it again.

(Y/N) whined before bowing again, slowly shuffling over to the much larger wolf before burrowing into the thick black fur.

This was the first time their wolves were meeting and (Y/N) being an omega, needed to touch Lauren. She couldn't bear the distance and disappointment.

Nuzzling further into her mates fur, Lauren used a paw to pull her closer before lying down and cuddling, the small wolf tucked into her neck.

Lauren was terrified went Ally had called and told her (Y/N) had run away. She didn't know what had happened but was quick to shift and find her mate. 

Now she had found her she couldn't imagine life without her.

So tucked away with her mate, Lauren blocked all people trying to link her and spent the day cuddling her pup in wolf form.

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