35: No I Wont Back Down

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Throughout the day, Lucy had followed Lauren around and taken up much of the Alphas time, pushing (Y/N) to trail behind them slightly next to Demi.

The older Alpha chuckled next to the Omega, watching her Gamma and the Moon Stones Alpha before talking. "You need not to worry, little wolf. Lauren is your mate and nothing can sever that bond. Lucy merely has a crush on her. Many wolves do, it comes with our rank. Less dominant wolves wish to be cared for by us." Demi informed her.

(Y/N) frowned as she nodded her head in though, Lauren looking back to check her mate was alright before sending her a reassuring smile.

(Y/N) reciprocated the smile before Lauren turned back to the conversation she was having with the Gamma. Once she'd turned back around her frown returned to her face, Demi finding it quite amusing to watch.

"Alright Lucy, (Y/N). Lauren and I have things to discuss. We won't take too long." Demi announced, Lauren nodding her head in agreeance.

(Y/N)s eyes flickered towards Laurens with a questioning gaze, confused as to what this meant. "(Y/N), would you mind showing Lucy our training grounds?" Lauren asked her mate, resting a hand on the Gammas shoulder.

Pursing her lips again, (Y/N) sent her a single nod before turning on her heel and walking away without a word, listening to Lucys rushed footsteps to catch up.

They walked in relative silence, pack members greeting them on their walk towards the clearing.

"You really think she's going to bite you? Mate with you?" Lucy asked, that sinister smirk plastered on her face as she acted as if she hadn't said anything.

(Y/N) looked at Lucy in shock, "pardon?" She asked the Gamma.

"Lauren, you actually think that she'll stay with you. You're an Omega, she's an Alpha. You're stupider than I thought if you believe she'll mate with you." Lucy repeated.

(Y/N)s eyes hardened as she stopped in the middle of the training grounds. Glaring at the Gamma who seemed pleased with herself.

Lucy turned after realising the girl was no longer walking next to her. "Aww, did that hurt your feelings? Sorry little wolf, but you are and always will be an Omega. I'm a Gamma, third most powerful in my pack. You're like scum, not even worth a proper title." She sneered, walking closer to the (Y/H/C) and getting into her personal space.

"Lauren is mine. What ever you have- had, is over now. So back. Off." Lucy told her, (Y/N) holding her glare with the higher-ranking wolf as she refused to back down.

"No." She replied calmly, breathing in and out of her nose as she attempted to calm her raging thoughts.

"No?'" Lucy asked, raising her eyebrows in surprise. She took another step closer, getting chest to chest with the other wolf. "It wasn't a suggestion." She told her, anger slipping onto her facial expressions as she finally let her true colours show.

Dinah scanned the training field in search of her future Luna and the Lotus pack Gamma among the training wolves, finally spotting the two in an intense looking conversation.

She started walking over to the pair as she frowned, watching Lucy get in her Lunas face. 'No respect.' She grumbled.

Across the field, (Y/N) continued to glare at Lucy, her eye contact unwavering and getting on the Gammas nerves. "You won't win. So just back off." She told her through clenched teeth, using her pointer finger to jab harshly at the wolfs chest.

It was the wrong choice and the Gamma knew it as soon as she did it, the Omega grabbing her hand in a vice like grip before twisting, compelling the Gamma to turn with it in an attempt to relieve the pressure before the Omega shoved her face first into the dirt.

Lucy growled into the dirt, digging her fingers into the earth before standing up and swinging at the Omega.

It caught the young wolf off guard, the harsh punch throwing her off to the side as it made contact with her cheek.

It took her a moment to process what had just happened before Lucy charged for the girl again, (Y/N) evading all her attacks and making her own when Lucy got frustrated and sloppy.

Dinah rushed across the field as she watched Lucy make the first punch, pushing pack members out of the way before reaching the girls.

Lucy, in a final surge of energy, had managed to tackle the Omega and was throwing punches while the Omega blocked them to the best of her abilities.

Sprinting full speed towards the pair, Dinah spear tackled the Gamma off (Y/N) with a growl full of rage, pinning her to the earth below them.

"Get off!" Lucy screamed, Dinah pushing her face further into the dirt before pulling her up and dragging her back to the pack house, (Y/N) trailing behind with a goofy smile on her face.

She had a busted lip and bruised cheek, but she was ecstatic. She held her own, and she was winning! Well, at least until Lucy pinned her. But she didn't back down.

When it came to fight or flight, she didn't run!

Demi and Lauren sat on one side of the desk as Lucy and (Y/N) sat on the other, Dinah behind the pair.

Lucy frowned at her feet, not daring to make eye contact with either Alpha as she held an icepack to her wrist.

(Y/N) was the exact opposite, smiling at Lauren as she looked proud of herself, supporting her busted lip and bruise cheek with her head held high, swinging her feet back and forth.

"Explain." Demi asked firmly, Dinah choosing to speak for them so that the story would be clear.

"I went to meet up with our future Luna and Gamma Lucy on the training fields. By the time I spotted them they seemed to be in a heated discussion, Lucy getting in (Y/N)s face as they talked before she went to poke or shove her. From what I saw, (Y/N) defended herself against Lucys assault."  

"Gamma Lucy not happy to be showed up by an Omega then retaliated by punching (Y/N) across the face." Dinah explained, Lauren clenching her jaw in anger as Demi continued to listen.

"(Y/N) evaded and defended herself against all of her attacks until Lucy managed to pin her and continue her assault. I got there in time to get Lucy off of (Y/N) and then brought them here." She finished. Demi nodded her head in thought, Lauren clenching and unclenching her jaw in anger for the Gamma.

"Take future Luna (Y/N) and clean her up. We need to talk to Lucy." Lauren told Dinah, finally speaking up.

Lucys eyes widened and flickered towards Lauren for a moment before dropping her gaze back to the ground in fear.

(Y/N)s smile widened at the instructions, hopping up from her seat as she rounded the desk. Crouching down next to Lauren, (Y/N) smiled up at her before lifting her head for a kiss.

Laurens eyes flickered over to Lucy and Demi for a moment before she cupped her mates face in her hands and placed a soft kiss on her bruised cheek, and a lingering kiss on her forehead. "I'll talk to you tonight, pup. Go with Dinah and get cleaned up for me." She whispered, kissing her good cheek before ushering her away so she could finish their meeting.

Once the door clicked closed behind Dinah and (Y/N), Dinah held her fist up to the younger wolf. (Y/N) looked at her confused for a moment before Dinah signalled to her fist again.

"Umm..." (Y/N) whispered, still confused at what Dinah wanted.

Dinah sighed before lifting the Omegas hand up and closing her fist before bringing them together. "Fist bump." She explained, ruffling the girls already messy hair. "It means good job. Your training really showed out there." She told her.

(Y/N) beamed at the compliment, following Dinah back to her room to get cleaned up.

"I didn't back down."

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