-Chapter 31-

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Since Rosé started hanging out with Irene, Jisoo felt left out. She was jealous of Irene and started to hate her. "Rose let's hang out today." Jisoo suggested. "I'm sorry Jisoo, but I'm already doing something with Irene today. How about a other day?"

"Yeah sure. A other day and a other day you hanging out with Irene, not with me. Again." Jisoo mumbled the last part. "Go and hang out with Jennie and Lisa today." Rose suggested and hugged her best friend  before she left.

After Rose left, Jisoo sighed loudly. "What's wrong, Chichu?" She heard Lisa behind her. Jisoo turned around saw Jennie and Lisa, good friends of her. "Nothing..." Jennie sighed and went to Jisoo to hug her. "We know something is wrong. Tell us, it will help you." Jennie said. "I feel excluded from Rose, Normally we would hang out almost every day, but since she knows Irene, she's always with her and forgets me. I miss my best friend."

"It's Irene's fault, right?" Jennie asked. "Of course it's her fault. If she wasn't here, Rose wouldn't forget me." She said, sounding disappointed. "If Rose means that much to you, try to get Irene away from her. No matter with what." Lisa said. "That's a good idea. Thank you guys!" Jisoo said excited, because she knows what she's going to do. "No problem." Lisa and Jennie said at the same time.


"Jisoo?" A cute voice called her and she immediately know it was Rose. "Do you wanna hang out today?" Rose added. "But you are normally doing something with Irene on a Wednesday." Jisoo said innocently. "I know, but she's ignoring me. When I tried to talk to her, she panicked and run away."

"That's weird. Then let's do something together. Just me and you." Jisoo said, smiling like a kid. "Let's go and eat at your favourite chicken-restaurant." Rose suggested and Jisoo's eyes immediately lighted up. After saying goodbye, Jisoo made her way to Irene, but what she didn't know was that Rose was doing exactly the same thing.

Jisoo knocked at the door and it was opened by Irene. "I'm glad you did what I said and ignored Rose. Just keep it up and you will not get another blue eye. I don't know why Rose likes you, you can't even speak."Jisoo laughed.  "Now I know why she ignored me." Jisoo suddenly heard a voice behind her, which made her froze. "R-Rose?"

"Explain it, now." Rose said angrily and at the same time disappointed. "I felt excluded from you because you were always with Irene and Lisa said I should do anything to keep her away from you, I'm sorry ..." Jisoo said almost crying. "You should have talked to me and I really wanted to stay here because of you."

"What do you mean by 'you wanted to stay because of me'?" Jisoo asked. "I got an offer to model in Australia and I wanted to stay because of you, but that has changed now. I am flying tonight. Irene, I hope we will see each other again someday. Jisoo, I'm so disappointed. I never thought you would do something like that." Rose said said and walked away. "No, please stay!" Jisoo yelled while crying. "Don't try to stop me." Rose said and turned around again.

"That's all your fault. I'll make your life a hell." Jisoo turned around and left a scared Irene there. Jisoo started to walk to Lisa and Jennie, she knows they are togehter right know. When she arrived, she immediately knocked at the door. "Hey Ji-" Jennie wanted to say but was cut of from Jisoo. "You two have also fault that Rose will never talk to me again!" The girl in front of JenLisa yelled at them. "What happened?" Lisa asked confused.

"You told me to do everything to keep Irene away from Rose, I beat her and threatened her, but Rose found out and is soon on her way to Australia, if you hadn't suggested me to do anything to keep Irene away, that wouldn't have happened, I'm done with both of you." Jisoo said and walked out of the house.

In this night Rose flight to Australia and Jisoo lost three friends. Jisoo got the title 'badass' after Rose left and she started to made Irene her life to hell.
That's the longest chapter I've ever wrote.
Sorry if I made some mistakes.❤
Thanks for all the reads and votes!❤

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