-Chapter 6-

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After half an hour I arrived at home and to my surprise nobody were there. I didn't thought about it long and went to the kitchen to eat the Kimbap my mother made for me and Taeyeon.

-Seulgi's pov-
"Yeri!", I shouted throught our house.
"What's wrong Unnie?", she asked innocently. She excactly knows what's wrong.
"Where is it?", I asked.
"Where's what?"
"You know what I mean! Where are my Pringles?!"
"Ouh you mean your Pringles.", she says nervous.

"So..." I waited a few seconds. "Where are my Pringles now?"
She didn't said anything but pointed at her tummy.
"Why you always eat my Pringles. You'll buy me two cans!", I said a little disapointed.
"You love your Pringles that much? Okay, I'll buy you two cans on Monday." After she says that I jumped like a little kid.

My alarm turns on like every Monday at 6:30 am. Just five minutes, I said to myself.
When I woke up again I realized that its 7:30. I jumped out of my bed and rushed to my bathroom. After 15 Minuten I already were done and quickly put on my shoes.

When I arrived at the school corridor, I wanted to run to my class but bumped into someone. When I saw that it's this Irene girl I wanted to say sorry but she looked so afraid. Why?

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