-Chapter 45- {End}

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My bear: Put on the best
dress you have for tonight.
                     Bunny: I thought we will
                                    just have a picnic?

My bear: You'll see later.

Seulgi looked in the mirror one more time before leaving and walking to her car. On the way to Irene, she stopped at a flower shop to get her girlfriend a bouquet roses. 'I hope she will like them.'

When she arrived, she got out of her car and knocked on Irene's door. The door opened and Seulgi's jaw dropped immediately at the sight of her dress and her even more beautiful girlfriend. "W-wow you look b-beautiful." Seulgi stuttered. Irene finally looked up at her a little bit taller girlfriend and had excactly the same reaction as she had. "Oh ehm t-thank you. You also look r-really beautiful." Irene stuttered. "Thank you." Both smiled at each other happily and interwined their hands.

"See you later, Taeyeon Unnie!" Irene yelled. "Take care!" Taeyeon yelled back. Irene closed the door and turned back to Seulgi. "So... you gonna tell me now where we are going to?" Seulgi smiled and shook her head. "Wait und you'll see it."

Seulgi suddenly pushed Irene gently against her car and kissed her passionately. Irene's hands laid on her girlfriends neck while Seulgi's laid on her girlfriends waist. They pulled away from each other and before Seulgi opened the door for Irene she gave her a quick peck.

The taller one was about to start the car when she remembered the bouquet at the backseat. "Oh, I almost forgot." She turned her body so she could reach the roses. "These are for you." Irene smiled at her. "Thank you, babe." She kissed her cheek. "Do you like them?" Irene nodded while smiling brightly.

On the way to the restaurant they listened to music and screamed the lyrics together while laughing. "When are we there?" Irene asked. Seulgi didn't answered for a minute and Irene just looked at her confused. "Now." Irene looked out the window and saw the restaurant. "Seulgi...I told you we don't have to go to a restaurant, being with you is enough and it's really expensive here." Seulgi looked at her. "But I want the best for you and don't worry, I have enough money for us."

"You're cute, but just being with you is enough for me." Irene smiled at her. "I'll plan our next date!" Seulgi nodded. She run to the other side of the car to open the door for Irene. They interwined their hands again and walked to the restaurant.

"Name?" The waiter (?) asked. "Kang Seulgi." The waiter searched the name on the list and nodded. "Please follow me." They did as he said so. "Please sit down, a waitress will come and take your orders."

"Irene?" She hummed. "Don't worry about money, yeah? Pick what you want." After 10 more minutes, they decided what they want to eat and started to chat while waiting for the waitress to come.

"Can I take your orders?" She asked and Seulgi told her what they want.
After they ate and chatted for a while, Seulgi went to pay for them. Irene quickly took a look at the bill and her jaw dropped at how many Seulgi has to pay. "Ugh Seulgi, are you sure you can pay this?" Seulgi looked at her smaller girlfriend and saw her worried face. "I can pay this, don't worry." She stroke her cheek to make her less worried. Seulgi paid afterwards and they left.

"Thank you for today, Seulgi-" She was about to say something more, but Seulgi interrupted her. "It's not over yet, babe." Irene looked surprised at her. "We are going to a field and watch the stars while just talking." Irene's face lighted up. "Really?" She asked excited. She loves watching the stars by night, and with Seulgi it'll be even better. Seulgi laughed and replied with a yes.

"Let's change first, so it won't be uncomfortable with our dresses." They quickly stopped at Seulgi's place to change and she gave Irene her clothes.

When they arrived, Seulgi pulled out a blanket form her car and laid it down, so both would have it even more comfortable. "Come here." Seulgi patted the empty place beside her. Irene said as she said so and laid her head on Seulgi's shoulder. They were watching the sky silently for 10 minutes until Seulgi and Irene started to speak at the same time. "You go first." Said the smaller one.

"Thank you." Irene looked confused at her. "For what? For letting you speak first?" Seulgi laughed. "No. Thank you for being my girlfriend, for taking care of me, for giving me so much love, for making me feel appreciated and wanted, for loving me, for just being you. You make me the happiest human being alive. When I'm sad, I just need to see your beautiful smile and I forget all my problems. I can be myself without worrying when I'm with you. I just- I love you so much and I'm so happy to know you."

Seulgi was staring into Irene's eyes while saying all this and realised that she was tearing up. "I-I love you too, Seulgi." Irene stuttered a little bit because she was crying. "You know, you are the best thing that happened to me. You made me speak again and you were the only one after a long time who made me this happy. I am so lucky to have you, Seulgi. Thank you."

After Irene's speech, it was Seulgi's turn to tear up. Seulgi kissed her afterwards and told her a lot of times how much she loves her. They spent an hour hugging and cuddling each other and left. "Babe?" Seulgi called her girlfriend. "Yes?" She responded. "You also wanted to say something before I started my speech, what was it?" Irene looked at her. "I wanted to tell you that I love you and I'm lucky to have you." Seulgi smiled.

"I love you too."
This is the last and also longest chapter of this SeulRene story.

I never thought this book will have this many reads and votes and I'm really thankful because of it. I know some of my chapters at the beginning sometimes doesn't make any sense [I don't know what I was thinking while writing it lmao]. I also know my chapters have wrong grammar and I'm sorry because if it, I really try to not make a lot of mistakes.

I really appreciate all the votes, reads and feedback on this book. Thank you all for reading it and I hope you enjoyed it!

Have a great day!

Ps: If you like to read another book from me, I have a JenLisa book published. :)

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