Chapter 1

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*Disclaimer: I the idea is not original, it has been inspired by the show 'Chasing Life' on ABC Family. I am just writing this for fun and take no credit at all. Not all ideas are from the show though.*

Today was just like any other day. Wake up, get ready, go to school, and then come home and sleep. I roll out of bed, rubbing my eyes and walk over to my bathroom. I take a warm shower and get dressed for the day. I apply mascara to my already long eye lashes and head down stairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning mom and dad." I tell them while grabbing a banana.

I then grab my back pack and head out the front door to go and meet with Ashton. Ashton was the first one that I met here and even though he is not in high school any more, he has been so helpful and such a great friend. He even introduced me to his friends that he was in a band with and since then, all of us have been super close.

I see Ashton leaning against his car, waiting for me. "Hey stranger," He laughs.

Even though Ashton wasn't in high school any more, he still drove me to school each day. It was so nice to have him as a neighbor.

I sigh and get in the car, not wanting to go to school but I have to. Luckily, it was almost the end of senior year. Only 3 more months. As much as I despise school, I still try my hardest and manage to get decent grades.

"Were you up late studying? You look tired." Ashton tells me while pulling out of the drive way.

"No, I wasn't. I have just been super tired lately."

"Well you kinda do look like you need some sleep," Ashton winks at me and I playfully hit his arm while he drives. "DON'T DISTRACT THE DRIVER."

I laugh and ignore his comment while I hit him again. Unfortunately, we arrive at school and I hop out of the car and wave good bye to Ashton.

"I will pick you up at 2:45!" Ashton yells from the car as he drives away.

I love that guy. He's basically like a brother to me.

I walk into school and greet everyone like I normally do. I can't say I have it hard at school because I really don't, well, minus my grades. I would say that people like me here, which was a good thing to have.

"Hey Scar," A voice says to me while covering my eyes with their hands. "Guess who?"

"Wow this is a hard one. Let me guess, Luke?" I ask.

The hands were removed from my eyes and Michael was inches away from my face. "Boo!" Michael yells while Luke comes to the front of me.

"How old are we?" I ask them while laughing.

I go to my locker and grab a snack from it. I normally never keep my books in there because I keep them in my backpack. I mean, what else am I going to put in there?

"Gosh, I have been so hungry lately." I tell the boys.

"Don't eat me please." Michael says while running down the hall being the idiot he is.

"You wish" I respond.

"Is it that time of the month?" Calum asks from behind, coming out of nowhere.

"No! You never ask a girl that!" I scold him while slapping him on the arm.

"Sorry" he mumbles.

I continue to eat my gold fish and I start to get really tired. I don't get why Ashton drops me off so early. I am 20 minutes early each day and I could be spending the time sleeping.

As I go to grab more gold fish from my plastic bag, Luke turns me towards a poster on the wall.

"Hey, we should all do this!" He says pointing to the blood drive poster. "I mean, it's for a good cause!"

I shrug my shoulders, "Why not?"

He jumps in excitement and I continue to eat my snack. The bell rings and all the boys scurry off to their different classes, except for Luke. We had health together. At first it was awkward learning about the different parts of a male with Luke, but now we just joke about it.

"Let's not be late!" Luke says to me as he drags me down the hallway.

As he dragged me, I was out of breath. It was weird and unusual. What is even more weird is that this has been happening often. Sometimes, I will have to stop after walking up one flight of stairs to catch my breath.

After a long and painful day at school, I walk out to see Ashton waiting for me in the parking lot. I smile at him and get in the passenger seat. We sit for a few minutes and he hasn't started the car yet.

"Well are we going?" I ask impatiently.

"Calm down, I am just waiting for the guys."

I roll my eyes and slouch in the car seat. Finally, the boys arrive and get in the car.

"To the hospital!" Luke yells while pointing in some random direction.

"Wait, what?" I question him.

"We are all donating blood, remember?"

I nod my head and face forward as Ashton begins to drive. I had no clue that the blood drive was today. I was not looking forward to losing a pint of blood. But, it was for a good cause and I have the special type of blood anyone can use.

We get to the hospital and sign in. We all sit in the waiting room, anxiously waiting for our names to be called. My name was called first. I was thrilled. Not.

The nurse takes my blood and I felt so light headed after she had taken it. I go back to the waiting room and wait for all of the boys to finish. While I was sitting, I noticed that my nose began to bleed. I quickly hurry to the bathroom and clean my nose. I walk back out, and found Calum sitting there.

"How was it?" I ask him while taking a seat next to him.

"Oh, just dandy." He tells me while smiling.

Soon enough, all of the boys are done and just as we leave, I thought I heard a nurse calling out for me, but we continue walking. Ashton drops everyone off at home and then him and I get to his house.

"Thanks for taking us, Ash!" I smile while giving him a hug.

"Anything for you Scar." He says while kissing my forehead.

I open the door to my house and yell to my parents, letting them know I was home. I throw my backpack on the couch and walk up to my room. I had to catch my breath after walking up those stairs before entering my room. I lay on my bed, about to fall asleep, but that's when I get a phone call from an unknown number.

I answer and I hear this women's voice, "Hi Scarlett, this is your nurse and I need to talk to you."


Let me know if you liked it!

The idea is not mine, I was inspired by this new TV show, but not everything is the same.

Thank you!

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