Chapter 7

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"Alright... well... let's go ask then." I hesitantly say. I was so nervous. I don't want them to get the wrong idea but my life is here in Australia. I can't leave.

Ashton takes my hand in his and we walk towards the dining room, where they were still eating breakfast. "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, may I ask a question real quick?"

Who knew Ashton could be such a gentleman?

"Oh please, call us Linda and Jeff." My mother tells Ashton. "What is it?"

"And what is this?" My father questions while pointing to our hands.

Ashton smiles, "I asked Scarlett to be my girlfriend and she said yes. Sorry I did not ask for your permission."

"Oh of course its okay! We figured it would happen sooner or later." My father laughs.

"So, " My mother interupts. "What's this question?"

"Well," Ashton starts to say, " I heard about you guys moving and well, I really think its best if Scarlett stays here. That's where all the doctors are and her school, her friends... So I was wondering if she could move in with me?"

My parents turned to eachother with no expression on their faces. That's when I started to worry. It was weird, it was like they were communicating through their minds.

"Sure, BUT I expect phone calls almost every day. I know everyone will take care of you here and I also figured that your friends would try and get you to stay. But.... Is it ok if Sarah stays with you guys?" My mother asks.

Ashton nods his head. Sarah doesn't really talk much with me, or any of the boys really. Now she was going to have to speak out, considering she was going to be living with us.

I run to go and hug my mother and father, "Thank you so much, you really don't know how much this means to me." 

I go to my room and pack my belongings. I had no clue where we were going but apparently Ashton has already had this apartment for awhile. Or atleast he says he has.. I grab my suitcase and throw all my clothes in there and then I grab my school backpack. I try to carry both things out of the room but I couldn't, so I drop my backpack.

"Here," Ashton laughs. "Let me help you silly." He bends over to pick up my backpack and helps me walk out to his car. "I am so excited for you to see this place. I think you will like it. And also.... hate to break it to you but the boys are going to be living with us too.."

I throw my stuff in the trunk and sit in the passenger seat. "That's not bad news! But I am sorry about Sarah. Maybe she will open up to us." I smile.

"Don't be sorry. The boys are pretty fond of her.. well when she does talk." He laughs.

We pull up to a house, no, not an apartment. It was huge. At first I wondered how he got this but then I remembered, he's in a famous band. I was in awe. I see Ashton come around with all my bags and I just let him carry them, since it looked like he could handle it. I open the front door and he walks in. 

I follow him down the hallway, and then I see him place bags in what was my room. "I hope you don't mind that we will be sharing a bed." He laughs.

"of course not you weirdo." I respond.

I started walking throughout the house and I saw everyone's rooms. Michael and Calum shared a room and Luke had his own. Right across the hall from Luke's room was my sister's. This is gonna be a great experience.

I walk back out to where Ashton was sitting, "Hey, we should go visit Luke." 

"Are you sure? He said he didn't want any visitors..."

"Let's go."

I get in the car with Ashton and we start driving to the hospital. I don't care if Luke didn't want to see us. He only has a limited amount of time and we needed to see him. I park the car and hop out. I ask the lady at the desk where Luke Hemmings room was and she pointed down a long hallway. Of course, Ashton grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined. Finally, we found Luke's room.

I quietly open the door with Ashton standing behind me.

"I decided Scar" I hear Luke say as he looks out the window.

"H-how did you know it was me?" I ask.

He ignores the question, "I am gonna get the surgery."

Ashton and I pull him in for a hug but it was an uncomfortable hug because Luke was hooked up to so many different chords and plugs. It was hard to see him like this. He's such a cheery boy and should be living but instead he is trapped inside these walls. I was just happy to hear that he was going to put up a fight. 

That's when it hit me... I will be in here eventually. My smile instantly turns into a frown and I just needed to be left alone. I walk out of the room casually while the boys talk with one another.

I hit my back against a wall and slid down as the tears started to pour. My head was placed in between my knees and I just started crying like crazy. I then felt a hand wrap around my shoulders. 

I look up to see my Aunt Carol. Surprisingly, I hug her tight. "Good thing you are here, I need to talk to you." She says.

Great. Just what I wanted to talk about. 

She helps me up and starts walking and talking with me. "So we will need to get you started on chemo next week. Its a long process and I hope you have thought about how you are going to finish school." She continued talking but I zoned out.

I haven't told any of my teachers, friends or anyone at school. Now I have to tell everyone that I am leaving? Wow, I am so excited. 

I pick up in the conversation and start listening again. "Also chemo has some side affects, for example, you may not be able to have children." I stopped in the hallway, wanting to cry again. But I kept my tears in noticing we were infront of Luke's room and I didn't want them to hear me cry. I may be 17 but I want my own children. 

"Is there anything I could do?" I frantically ask.

"There is a way you can freeze your eggs but that's expensive."

I just nod and shrug it off as if it were no big deal. "Well. I guess I will see you next week then." I sigh.

She hugs me goodbye and I walk back into Luke's room to find him gone and I see Ashton crying.


Okay, atleast 1 comment or 3 favs and I will continue

I hope you guys have been liking it

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