Chapter 11

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Scarlett's POV

I sit in the waiting room with a sad Ashton right beside me. Chills run across me. Whether it was because I was cold or nervous, I don't know but the hairs on my arms continued to stand up. Ashton then put his arm around me, bringing me closer to him. I put my head on his shoulder.

"I can feel you shaking, what's up Scar?"

"Did you really just ask me what's up?" I pull myself away. "Look around Ash, we are at the hospital seeing if our best friend is going to live or not. And by the time we get out of here, it will be time for me to come in here and start my chemo treatment. That's what's up! I just hate this, I can't do it, I can't make you sit here, my parents are gone, Sarah has to --" I was then cut off with Ashton's lips on mine.

He pulls away and wipes the tears off of my face and cups my face and brings his closer so he was just inches away. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to stress you out. Of course I understand all of that. But I know Luke and he will fight through this. And I know you, you will fight through this as well." He places another kips on my lips, deepening it not caring that we were in a waiting room.

"Excuse me." I jump up quickly and see Luke's nurse standing in front of Ashton and I. My arm is behind my head, rubbing the back of my neck nervously and because this situation was just beyond awkward. "So, the doctors decided to put Luke in a medically induced coma since he wasn't handling anything well and maybe this will give his body time to adjust."

I nod my head and take Ashton's hand in mine, "I will be back tomorrow, thank you." We turn away from the nurse and head out to the car. At this point, I had no tears left. The car ride was quiet and I just looked out my window. I noticed all of the bright lights shining in the city. I wonder if I will ever be able to travel again and explore the world. A lot of things in my life are just uncertainties.

Ashton pulls into the drive way. He thought I was asleep so he decided to carry me to our room, which was fine. As he carried me bridal style to my room, I look up to him and admire his beauty, "Thank you for everything."

"Oh, so you are awake. Well, you don't need to thank me. I just want you to understand that I will always be here for you. I am not leaving." He helps me get into some cozy pajama pants and hands me one of his sweatshirts to wear since I found myself getting cold in the night. Although it was a bit weird having him help me change, I needed it. I get light headed almost every minute of my life nowadays. Once I was all ready, he tucked me into bed. "Need anything, hun?"

I smile and shake my head no. He then gets into bed right next to me and wraps his arm around my waist and puts his head in the crook of my neck. I was little spoon tonight, oh how lucky was I.

As I close my eyes, I hear Calum and Michael down the hall playing video games. I even think I heard my sister down there. They were having fun and I was glad they were. The only thought that was running through my head though was that I need to get better. I can't miss out on how much fun they are having nor can I leave them just like that. 

"Scar, stop worrying, get some sleep, okay?" Ash mumbles in my ear.

"How did you even know?" 

"I felt your heart beat speed up. Plus, you always worry at night. You are my best friend. I know you better than you know yourself."

That in fact was true. Ashton seemed to know me like he has known me his whole life, but he hasn't. I still remember the first day I moved here.

3 years ago

Freshmen day was upon me and I was not thrilled one bit. No one likes to start at a completely different school, especially a new high school! I brush my long hair and apply some mascara to my lashes. I was wearing my usual, black leggings, red vans and a simple grey t-shirt. 

I walk outside to where my mom and Sarah were waiting for me in the car and I noticed some brown curls from across the street. I had no clue I had a neighbor my age.

I get in the car and eventually we pull up to the school. My mom says her goodbyes and I head on my way and Sarah walks in the opposite direction, pretending not to know me. I walk in feeling pretty confident and I was greeted by a red hair fellow.

"Hi! I am Michael, nice to meet you. I just wanted to say I like your red vans! They match my hair."

"Oh, thanks" I awkwardly laugh, " I am Scarlett. Nice to meet you!"

"I like that name!"

"Michael picking up the new girl already" I see a black haired boy walk behind him. "I am Calum, it is nice to meet you."

I then see a blonde haired boy stand right in between them whispering, "Who is this babe?"

"I heard that blue eyes." I laugh.

"Mate, you have got to work on your whispering," Calum said.

"Anyways, I am Luke. And I do in fact have blue eyes. Good observation." He winks and then waits for me to mention my name yet again.

"I am Scarlett. Thank you for being so kind to me!" 

"It is in our nature," Calum mentions.

The bell rings and we all scurry to our classes. I was hoping I would bump into those guys again sometime. I walk into the music room and see those familiar brown curls. 

"Uh, h-hello" I make my way over to the drums and introduce myself to this mysterious boy who happened to be my neighbor. "I am Scarlett."

He looks up from his drum kit and I see his shimmering hazel eyes, "Hey, I am Ashton, nice to meet you!"

"Okay, I am just gonna be out there right now but where do you live?"

He looks very confused and concerned but answers anyways, " 42 Ridge Dr... uh why?"

"Ok so you are the boy who lives across the street from me!"

"Oh my gosh, you are the girl I saw dancing in the window!!"

"You saw that?" I panic and wait for his answer.

"Well yah, but everyone jams out to One Direction, especially Rock Me. It's okay. I guess we will just have to have a dance party sometime."

Later that week, all the boys came over for the promised dance party and we have had one every now and again to celebrate when we all met. 

I finally begin to fall asleep but I then hear birds chirping. I look at my phone and it reads 5:35 am. Good, I have to be up in 3ish hours. I sigh and then move myself from the spooning position. I must have been thinking over memories for a long time. I adjust myself so I am now face to face with the boy I love most. 

I had finally fallen asleep, but it felt like I was only asleep for a few minutes. Ashton was waking me up and I read my phone again and it now said 8:50 am. Today is the day.


Hey y'all! Hope you guys liked it. My writing has improved since the last time I wrote in this book. 

What do you guys think of the story? Should I continue this? 

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