Chapter 39

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"Put her down!", Dohwan was glaring at Chanyeol. If  eyes could kill, Chanyeol will be dead by now.

Chanyeol didnt even flinch. He stared him back. "She 's sleep..", he said coldly.

Gayoung heard Dohwan's voice, she opened her eyes and feels like she was floating. She just realized that Chanyeol was carrying her in his arms and her boyfriend is standing in fornt of them looking furious. Oh shit!

"Chan ah...put me down please..", she begs him. Chanyeol put her down gently. "Thank better go now..."

Chanyeol smiled at her. "Okay...night youngie...", he patted her hair and added, "See you soon...", he winked at her. Oh God..she's really going to kill him next time they meet. If she hasnt dead by then, looking at how angry the man standing in front of her right now.

"What the hell did you do with him huh?!!"


Dohwan didnt respond, he just turned his back and going inside her apartment building. So Gayoung followed him. They were alone at the elevator, Dohwan didnt even look at her. He looked so scary when he'a mad. But hot and sexy at the same time. He was wearing black shirt that fits perfectly on him. Showing of his back muscle when he walked in front of her. Suddenly she really want to get rid of that shirt. Oh God!! What is wrong with her?!! Her boyfriend was mad and she was thinking about ripping his shirt.

Gayoung closed her face mumbled a scream. She feels so dirty and stupid. "Auuuch!!", she bumped into something hard. When she looked up, it was Dohwan's chest. He stopped when he heard her cursing herself. "Sorry..."

"Wae?!", he asked still furious and hot. Stop it Gayoung! She scolded herself in her head.

"Huh?", she was shifting awkwardly. She could feel hot creeping on her face. She must be beet red now.

"Why do you look so guilty?"

"A...ani...", she stuttered. She cant tell him what she was thinking right now. So she walked past Dohwan and entered her apartment in hurry.

Dohwan run to followed her and found her in the kitchen gulping a glass of cold water.

"What did you do with Chanyeol?"

"Nothing...I just have a dinner with Sungwoo sunbae and Chanyeol...and he drive me home...because it was late...", Gayoung tried to explain.

"Why didnt you picked my call?"

"I accidentally left my phone in Chanyeol's car..."

"Accidentally huh? How coincidence.."

"Oppa!", she hated it when he doubt her like that.

"Why? I have right to be mad! You are my girl! Mine!"

Oh God nobody ever told her that jealousy can look so hot. He really should stop doing that. "Stop it oppa..."

"You went with another man, I tried to call you but I cant reach could I am not mad huh?!"

Her eyes darted into his lips. Damn it! What did Sungwoo sunbae put in his food. Why she acted like horny teenager.

"What did you do? Why do you look so guilty huh?!"

She cant hold it any longer. She moves forward, kisses him without warning, and he catches her. For a second he is stunned with sudden change of situation. When she deepen the kiss, he mumbled "But I am still mad.."

She break the kiss then stared at him. "So we can stop this kiss now...or you can continue being mad's up to you oppa...", she teased him.

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