Chapter 46

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"Do you want to...break up with me..."

"What the hell are you talking about?!", Dohwan stares at her, shocked. Did she really want to break up with him just because of this??

"You said sorry....I thought..."

"No. I dont want to break up with you..silly..", he pokes her head.


"Why? Do you want to break up with me?"

"Of course not..."

"I said sorry...for failing to protect you...because I really should deny that we're dating...", Dohwan looks so guilty.

"'s okay...I knew that we cant just admit to the world that we're dating...and I am fine..."

"But I am not...", Dohwan sighs. "I want everyone knew that you're mine...that I am serious...I hate  lying..."

"I am still yours even when no one knew...", Gayoung smiles. Now is her turn to calm him down.

"Okay...let face them together...", Dohwan hugs her one more time before he leave the room to let their manager and CEO knew that they ready to talk.

"So...", Dohwan's CEO is the one who break the silence. They gathers again in the meeting room.

"You cant deny it...but we dont want to talk..."

"What do you mean??", Yeongbin confused.

"I'll let the agency deny that we are dating...but I and Gayoung wont make any confirmation...", at least that way, he doesnt feel like he's lying.


"And one more thing?"

"What else?"

"I want you to say that we are really close friend...I dont want you to hear that we're just some work partners or some another bullshit like that...", Dohwan said boldly. Gayoung stares at her man amazed. In time like this she feels that she really can count on him. That he'll do his best for her.

Both Keyeast and SM CEO are looking at each other and finally nods in agreement. "Okay...but both of you should try to keep your relationship in secret..."

"For now...", Dohwan adds. "If the times come, I'll tell everyone that I am her man..". Yeongbin just chuckles. This boy really has no fear, is he? "We're going...", Dohwan grabs Gayoung's hand to lead her out of the room.


"Please hold on okay...", Dohwan holds her hand. They're already in Gayoung's apartment. "Wait for me...hold on a little longer...I promise you I'll tell the world about us..."

"'s fine...really...I dont mind about us...being secret...", Gayoung smiles reassuringly.

"But I do...", Dohwan mumbles under his breath.

"I'll make you some breakfast...", it's already 11 am. But they havent eat anything yet.

Dohwan just nods and start thinking a way to let everyone knew that he's with Gayoung without saying that he's actually with Gayoung. Just thinking about that sentences already make his brain hurts. Dohwan doesnt realize someone enters the apartment till that person yelled.

"MOON GA YOUNG! YOU  SHOULD EXP-...", the person stops frozen when she saw Dohwan in the living room.

"Who are you?", Dohwan gets up annoyed with sudden interuption.

"Mom..", Gayoung runs from the kitchen to the living room only to find her boyfriend and her mom glaring at each other.

"Mom?", Dohwan asks confused.

"I can explain this mom..."

"You better did...", her mom looks furious. "What about that dating rumor? I tried to call you all morning but I cant reach you. And what is he doing here?"

"Can you just sit down please....", Gayoung begs to her mom. "Can you leave us alone...", Gayoung turns to Dohwan and ask him to leave.

"No. I said we are going to face this together..."

Gayoung sighs. He is really stubborn. "Okay...but keep quiet..and let me talk..", Gayoung whispered.

Now the three of them sit in silence. Dohwan and Gayoung's mom are waiting for her to talk. While Gayoung is still thinking where should she start to explain.

"Mom..Let me introduce you to my boyfriend...Dohwan oppa..", Gayoung smiles awkwardly.

Dohwan gets up and bows to her mom. "I am Woo Dohwan...your daughter's boyfriend..I am sorry we should meet like this..."

Her mom is observing Dohwan from head to toe then sighs. "So, it's true then..."Gayoung just nods. "Why are you dating my daughter?", her mom turns to Dohwan.

"Excuse me?", Dohwan is surpirsed with the sudden question.

"Mom...", Gayoung doesnt believe that her mom really going to interogate him now.

"Why? Is there something wrong with my question", her mom looks at her.

"Because I love your daughter...", Dohwan suddenly replies. "All of her...I am going to protect her and take resposibility for everything that's going to happen..."

Her mom looks at Dohwan curiously. She's intrigued by his daughter boyfriend. "Now what are you going to do?"

"The agency will deny that rumor...", Dohwan replies. Gayoung's mom doesnt react. "We try to keep this a secret...not because I want to...but because I have to...I think it's the best for her...for now..."

"Okay then...", her mom says calmly. She understand what Dohwan was trying to say. She might be not an actress but she knew what will happen to her daughter if they confirm their dating rumor. She's going to get hate the most. It's the ugly truth in the Korean entertainment industry.

"Huh? Just okay?", Gayoung confused with the lack of anger from her mom. "You're not mad?", how could Dohwan confinced her mom so easily.

"I am not're not a little girl anymore dont need my persmission to date someone...but...", her mom sigh. Okay there you go the but. Gayoung said in her head. "But...It's little bit dissapointing to heard this from the news instead directly from you..."

"I am sorry mom..", she really feels guilty. She should tell her mom earlier. "It's my first time...I didnt know what to do...when we decided to just short of happen...."

Her mom smiles knowingly. "I know....I've been there..."

"Honestly...I still doesnt know what to do with this man...", Gayoung smiles jokingly.

"You dont need to do just need to stay my side...", Dohwan suddenly chirp in.

"Oppa...", Gayoung glares at him. How could he flirt with her in front of her mom.

Her mom chuckles. "Loving someone is easy....but taking responsibility for another person...that's the hardest part...not everyone can do that....I believe you can keep your promises...", her Mom says seriously to Dohwan.

"Yes Mom...I mean Mrs...", Dohwan corrects himself.

"You can call me mom if you want to..."

"Yes mom...", he's grinning like a little boy.

Gayoung finally can breath. She's really glad that her mom supports her relationship with Dohwan.

"You should tell your yourself...", her mom reminds her.

"Dad? Can you just tell him...please...", Gayoung pleads.

" should tell him yourself..young lady..."

"Oh come on moooom....".

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