Chapter 52

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Gayoung's staring at her phone. There's a ton of Dohwan's airport photos in her instagram explorer.

 There's a ton of Dohwan's airport photos in her instagram explorer

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He looks so good in that black on black attire

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He looks so good in that black on black attire. Oh God! She misses him so much. She misses his smiles. His laugh. His smell. Even his silly pout. Everything. It was supposed to be their secret vacation. She's supposed to take the early flight and wait for him at their hotel in New York. But instead, she's laying on her bed. Alone. And misserable. He hasnt called her yet. He just texted her, the day after their fight and told her that she didnt need to go with him to New York. She didnt know what to say, so she just replied with "ok...".

And now, three days later. Still no call. No text. She tried to call him yesterday, but he didnt pick up the phone. Now she wonder if it wasnt him, giving her space. But he was the one who needed space.

She burried her face with a pillow and scream. The pillow still smell like him. Aaarrghh! What to do now??! Maybe she should call Chanyeol. But what could she possibly say?

Hi Chan, I know you have a feeling for me..too bad we cant be friend anymore..

How could she say that to him?!!

Or maybe she just need to ignore him till he realize that she cant be friend with him anymore. Oh hell, he might just showed up in front of her doorstep asking for explanation.

I love you...with all my part and pieces...and I want you to do that too...

Dohwan's last words echoes in her head. What did he even mean by that?? She loves him too. Didnt he know that already?

Gayoung's staring at her phone. She really want to call him. But she's 100% sure that he wont pick up again. So, she types a text instead.

Gayoung : Have a safe trip oppa...enjoy your time in New York...Love you...

Gayoung was staring at those text for a good 5 minutes befire finally send it. For a girl who used to love writing, sometimes she really sucks at expressing her feeling. And as expected, the text was read but not replied.

Gayoung's sigh. She send another text to her manager, to tell him that she's going to her mom villa for a few days. To take a break. So he doesnt need to be worried. She throws her phone to the bed. And start packing a few clothes. She deliberately left her favourite Dohwan's t-shirt. Maybe Dohwan was right. She needs a space to think what she actually wanted.

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