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While Hoseok and Yoongi took Jinkyong and Insu back to Seokjin's trailer, I had stayed back to go find Namjoon. I hadn't seen him since an hour before the show. I always wondered if I would come back to see him mangled or mentally broken. The first show, I had seen he had slightly broken inside his mind, but as the years progressed, he became fine.

Walking around the trailers at night behind the circus tent felt risky. I knew it was. "Enemies" would be crawling around if I wasn't careful. They were always looking for one of the circus members to pick off of the ground. I never knew if they would look for me or the kids, but I was always afraid they would.

The trailers were in a line, two facing each other. At the end of the row was Seokjin's and Jimin's trailers. They were small. After was Yoongi's and Hoseok's, then Taehyung's and supplies'. There was a couple more trailers for more supplies and animals, but it then ended the row with Namjoon and I's trailer with the kids with us. Across the way was a special trailer that the kids weren't allowed in. It was the "interrogation" trailer.

I made my way through the row of trailers, seeing Jimin's and Namjoon and I's trailers lit up from the lights inside. I could see a hint of light in the "interrogation" trailer. They were still in the process of accomplishing their mission in there. I didn't want to know what happened in there at the moment.

I walked down the row of trailers to Namjoon and I's trailer. I looked along my path, keeping an eye out for any intruders. I had come across that before. That was when we first started our business, maybe a year after. They had grabbed me, my voice yelling out for someone. The next thing I knew was there was a bang racing through the air, the person dropping dead to the ground, myself gasping.

That was the night I knew everything was real.

I made it to the trailer with no trouble, walking up to the door. I knew it would be locked, so I grabbed the key that was hidden in a small compartment next to the door that you could barely see. I grabbed it, unlocked the door, put it back inside the compartment, and walked into the trailer.

I looked around, seeing Seokjin was on the couch, passed out cold. I smiled a bit, my eyes searching around a little more. The entrance was faintly lit, my eyes trailing over to Namjoon and I's room. The door was closed, but I saw the night was on under the door. I made my way towards it.

When I got to the door, I opened it. Namjoon was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands, no shirt on, black slacks still on his legs. His brown hair was messy like he had messed with it. I could see his body wanted to give out from exhaustion, but he was holding himself together with all his might.

I got into the room, closing the door quietly behind me. Namjoon heard the click of the door, his head slightly peeking up. His eyes met with mine, a softened look coming across his face. "It's you."

I gave a quiet laugh, coming over to the side of the bed he was on. The room was small, but it was also comfy and away from the kids' room on the other side of the house. It was a good get away from life.

"I came to check in on you," I said gently, sliding onto the bed beside him. I placed a hand on his, curling my fingers around. I smiled at him. I now remembered what it was like to love this man, even though he did such horrible things.

He gave me a smile back in return. "I'm okay. Today just felt long. I need to go back to the other trailer in about fifteen minutes. I left Tae in there by himself. I know he's safe, but I'm not there to make sure."

"Do you want me to go for you?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him. "You obviously need sleep. You can go watch the kids. I'll be fine."

He automatically shook his head in disagreement. His eyes fell to our entwined hands, staring at them for a moment. "You can't go in there by yourself. I know Tae will help you, but what if he gets too tired? I don't want you getting hurt. Please understand that."

I stared at his face for a moment, taking in his words. I could hear how exhausted he was in his voice. He didn't sleep the night before, planning out the show. I remembered him going to bed at three in the morning, then having to get up at six thirty in the morning. He was barely running off of anything.

"I'm going over there," I said, getting up to stand up from the bed. I watched Namjoon's face guide itself up to look at mine, his face falling. Our fingers became detached, a space between us becoming real again. "What do you need me to do?"

"I'm not having you go over there," he forced, his eyes going stern. "Go watch the kids. I'll see you later tonight or in the morning."

In a swift moment, I leaned down, pressing my lips against Namjoon's. He seemed surprised for the smallest second, then melted into me immediately after. His hand lifted up, placing it on my waist. I sighed a bit, forgetting the struggles of the day.

After a few seconds, I pulled away, my eyes opening. I was met with Namjoon's exhausted--but shining--eyes. I smiled at him gently, reaching my hand up to run through his hair. As I did, I still felt the little hairspray he had used.

"Why do you change my mind like this?" he said, smiling back up at me. His hand tightened around my waist, slightly massaging it.

"So, can I take your place tonight?" I hummed, rubbing his hair gently. I was slowly getting the hairspray out of it with my fingers tangled within it.

"If you give me the full package later on," he said, raising an eyebrow at me. 

I felt my cheeks warm up, but a smile stayed plastered on my lips. "I'm alright with that."

"Good." He reached back up, placing a peck on my lips, then pulled away. "I'll go keep an eye on the kids. Taehyung knows the information we need. He'll tell you when he has it, then you can go ahead and kill the person. There shouldn't be any reason for our secrets to get out."

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