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Infront of me are the scarring images

Of men, women and children dying,

I stare at them with no emotion,

When I should be crying.

Heat radiates from their dying souls,

My heart is thudding from inside my rib cage,

My story is still not over yet,

Just wait to find out and turn the page.

I just wanted someone to understand,

I didn't want someone to die,

Where can I find that understanding?

I look up to the crying sky.

Are you up there, my saviour?

Waiting for the right time to free me?

I know there's no hope left.

If you think I'm alone, I'd have to agree.

Not only is this all a big mistake,

The blame has been put upon me,

If only you could see, try to understand.

Why are you so blind to my misery?

While I still look for support,

My mind, heart and soul are all yearning,

For that imaginary saviour,

To rescue me from this internal burning.

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