Love is an addictive drug,
Ready to take us down,
Doesn't matter if you're a slave,
Or if you wear a crown.
The side effects are common,
Butterflies and blushes,
Stutters and anxiety, but never
Mistake it with crushes.
But be warned because
To love is to take a risk,
Be entertained or scared,
Be lazy or be brisk.
Give a card,
Or give a kiss,
Give a hug,
Enjoy the bliss.
Never ever misuse love,
That's not what it's for,
Marry the person you want,
Be a partner, not a whore.
Make the most of your time,
Because it goes by fast,
But no need to waste it
If it's not gonna last.
Expressing Me
PuisiThis was my first collection of poems written when I was younger.