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He wonders round the streets,

Looking for something worth while,

Something to help them survive,

Anything to make his little girl smile.

Becoming a dad as a teenager,

Is something that made his life haunted,

Girlfriend left him soon after the birth,

Making his little girl feel unwanted.

Every night he goes to the broken shack,

The only shelter that they can call home,

Going back to his little girl,

Running down the streets he would roam.

He reaches it, peering through the dark,

That filled the room but also his whole life,

He had no help or support,

Raising his little girl without a wife.

But his little girl is the one thing,

That keeps alive and strong,

He showers her with kisses,

Praying to God that she lives long.

He had no strength and he was broke,

But he wasn't going to tell her that,

He couldn't feed her but atleast

His little girl won't worry about being fat.

But he still gave everything to her,

Even if it meant none for him,

He loved his little girl so much

As they both sat in the rain, singing hymns.

He stares at her with tears in his eyes,

Wondering how grown up she has become,

He wishes he could be a real parent,

He wishes he could give her more than a slum. 

She closes her eyes and kneels down,

Raising her head up to the raining sky,

"Please watch over Daddy," she says.

"When I go to sleep, I always hear him cry."

"All the other girls tease me and I don't know why.

All the other girls have clothes without a single hole.

Why have you made my life like this my Lord?

Is destiny something that you can still control?"

"He still thinks of me as his little girl,

He still trys to hide things from me,

But I can see right through him,

Please Lord, it's not a request, it's a plea."

"Daddy?" She says looking beside her,

"Daddy?" She repeats as he falls,

She thinks of all the secrets whispered.

Secrets who will never escape these walls.

He's dying, she realises.

She realises it's time for him to go.

"Angels will watch over you Daddy.

You don't deserve to be down below."

She feels him slipping away,

Feeling the life drain from him,

Her father is leaving her,

The father who would give her a limb.

He will destroy whoever trys to hurt her,

He will look out for her through thick and thin,

He couldn't give her what she deserves,

Oh how cruel life had been.

His little girl is his little angel,

There will be no one else that he loved more,

"I'm so sorry." he whispers before his eyes shut.

Death had now reached the only man she adored.

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