Chapter Thirty One: The Prisoner.

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Chapter Thirty One: The Prisoner.

"I'm going to go talk with Boss Lady." Valentine muses and rubs my shoulder. Nodding my head he quickly runs over to Alya as she corrects a persons fighting stance.

The sun is up inbthe sky, almost the same time as yesterday when we were outside. Looking around, nobody pays attention to me. A smirk creeps up on my face, sneaking around quickly I walk into the woods. Looking around, squirrels run up into the trees. Leaves crunch under my heavy weight.

"Cole? Are you here?" I ask, hearing his cheerful voice I look ahead to find him strut towards me with his hands in his pockets.

"You actually listened." He states, rolling my eyes from his statement I cross my arms.

"Oh whatever." I continue, "Before we were interrupted you were about to tell me something." Cole now stands in front of me. His hand is rubbing the back of his neck while he bites his plump lip.

"Sage, I-I." I interrupt him with a smile, "C'mon Cole! I won't judge." He rolls his eyes with a huff, then sighs quickly before rubbing the palm of his large hands.

"I'm what you call a..." He pauses, persuading him to continue he groans. "Werewolf."

The air from my lungs escapes, causing my eyes to widen in surprise. My mouth is dry as a desert, words cannot escape from my lips. Leaning on a tree for support, Cole quickly grabs onto my arms for support.

"So, you know all about-" He interiors me with a nod of his head.

"Look, I don't agree with King Alexander's choice but they captured Jasper! We must go help him." He muses, nodding my head quickly a smile tickles his lips. Looking back Valentine and Alya are talking. They haven't been looking for me. This is for my brothers sake, I must go.

Nodding my head quickly, Cole grabs my hand and quickly rushes me away. "C'mon Sage!" Cole exclaims, pulling me.

Putting all my weight to the front of feet, I push off running. This is the fastest I've ever ran. The trees and nature are a blur as I run by, somehow Cole is behind me keeping up. Soon he's beside me with a small smile. Now, following behind him he takes a quick right causes me to loose my balance but I catch my self in time. Behind him he runs faster before he jumps high over a log. Jumping, I push off of the large log with my hand.

Soon a gigantic building like mansion, blinds my vision. We slow our pace, looking at Cole he's already looking at me.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Werewolfs." He states with a smirk as his built at wraps around my shoulders. I stand, mouth ajar. The outstanding architecture has me blown away, the large castle has flowers growing all around. Reminding me of my mother's green thumb, slowly the happiness that was in me drifts away. The green grass swallows up the ground as the building is absolutely breathtaking. You'd probably find this place in a Disney movie. The curves of the roof and the thick walls remind me of a location in a book.

Looking at Cole, he stares at me with a smile. Something in his eyes lights up.

"Can you keep an eye on Sage?" I ask Alya as she looks around.

"Of course, I'll just find her real quick." She states and walks off quickly. Drifting into the house, some people nod their heads and smile as I walk by.

Walking into the hallway, Kyle struts beside me. His hands in his jean pockets, as his blonde hair is ruffled like if he just woke up.

"Going to go check up on him again?" Kyle asks, looking over dark circles are underneath his eyes. Nodding my head, he follows beside me as we head towards the basement doorway.

Walking down stairs onto another level no one goes down too. Everything is dark and gloomy once we land on the floor, slowly the door comes into view.

The door is a very old wood, the metal parts on the side is rusty.

Hesitantly, I wrap my hand around the cold medal doorknob. Looking over at Kyle he gives me a nod.

The door opens with a creaking sound, chains scratch on the floor as prisoners look up. Walking by, some prisoners look down not making eye contact.

A rat runs across the dirty floor, nearing the man I've been needing to see one person stop my actions with their voice.

"Please!" He pleads. "I haven eaten in weeks!" Looking down his eyes are wide open, instead of the normal color of eyes his is a fire red. He hasn't had blood in a long time. Staring closer, you can obviously his long, thin, veins all over his body. Two sharp fangs bite his parched lips. The clothes he wears are dirty, torn. Almost as if he's scratched them himself.

Kyle grabs my shoulders, having me snap out of the trance I was in. Taking one step forward, shouts of help escape the sick mans throat.

Reaching the prisoners cell, his long skinny fingers touch the medal that are wrapped around his wrists. Scabs cover his wrists, as his greasy, unwashed hair covers his face. Once, the man heard us he slowly looks up. Gazing into his dark eyes a mysterious smile beams off of his face.

"Hello Valentine. Came to let me go?" His voice is very scratchy, like the other man.

"No, you know why I'm here." Pausing I continue a few moments later. "Dale."

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