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AN: YO WHADDUP! Hey guys! So i'm writing another fanfic! Idk exactly what to say and stuff, but i'm here and I'VE GOT A GREAT IDEA AND SO SO MUCH INSPIRATION OMGEE YAY! I'll get started asap!

I figured I should do some character backround info and stuff so here we go!

I figured I should do some character backround info and stuff so here we go!

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Gerard Way

Forensic scientest for the FBI with a few secrets. He's the best in his field, and has solved many cases like this, but there is one that just keeps him up at night, especially when it gets personal, but what happens when he gets personal with the iconic Mr. Brightside of LA?

 Brightside of LA?

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Mr. Brightside

He has been in the business for years. No one knows his name, and anyone who did is long gone. He started small, after watching his stepfather beat his mother half-to-death in his small home in LA, he made him coffee. Coffee that was laced with peanut oil that his stepfather was fatally allergic to. He got so good, that he got paid, and obviously that didn't go over well with the law. He is on the run. What happens when paths cross, and sparks, and bullets, fly?

 What happens when paths cross, and sparks, and bullets, fly?

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Ryan Ross

Ryan is just confused, aren't we all? But when the 17 year old runs into someone in an alley who pays him $20 to drive a van by a certain someone so that someone can "take out the trash", he is the main lead that the L.A.P.D. And FBI desperately needs, so he takes an under the table immunity deal as long as he snitches. But the boy catches one of the inturns eyes.

Dying In LA ||Frerard/Ryden/Petekey||Where stories live. Discover now