Gerard Arthur Way

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Like sand sliding through my fingers, bullets flew though the air; cutting through my shoulder like butter.

"AGH" I whisper-yelled in pain.

"SHOTS FIRED" my partner, Ray Toro yelled before diving behind an oak table that had fallen in the grim mansion.

We came in here because we had heard of local kids disappearing, a few supposedly seen peering out the windows; eyes filled with curiosity and sorrow.

A few more bullets flew through the air, but soon stopped.

A made a few hand motions to Ray, us arguing who had to leave the saftey of tour hiding places first. We played a quick game of rock, paper, scissors, shoot, and I won by pulling an alien.

Ray slowly crept out from behind the table, checking out a few blindspots

"All clear" the words spilled from his lips that he twisted into a devilish grin.

He walked over to the piano I was kneeling behind, gun in hand. Ready to kill.

"Do you wanna play hide-and-seek?" Suddenly, I was back in preschool, sitting at the bottom of a slide. The small boy with an afro holding hands with a boy with black hair and brown eyes.

"Sure!" I said brightly.

"Ok, but new comers are it!" The brown haired boy says with a smile.

"Ok!" I said, covering my eyes.

"1...2...3.." I began counting, my head in my hands.

"4...5..." I spread my fingers, hoping to catch a glimpse of where the others hiding spots are.

I looked to my left and spot the child with the afro behind the slide.

He looked to his right into the parking lot.

There the little brown haired boy was, racing off to fo hide behind a tree. Except there was a red volkswagon buggy, speeding down the parking lot.

I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. My mind was spinning as I watched the boy get hit. His small, frail body rolled over the window shield.

His red pull-over and khaki shorts were splattered and soild with blood.

"Gerard" someone whispered in my ear.

"C'mon Gerard, wake up."

I recognized the low voice, laced with a thick New Jersey accent.

I peeled my eyes open. Bert was sitting in my lap, a leg on either side of me; his wait digging into my hip bones.

"Bert, what the fuck?" I said, dazed and confused from my dream. Suddenly the lights flickered on. I squeezed shut, the light imvading my sensitive eyes.

I felt Berts arms wrap around me, as tears began to fall down my jawline. He pulled me into his lap and drew soothing shapes into my back.

"The-the little boy in my dre-dreams died!" I screamed.

"Oh hun I know." He whispered into my ear "but its all just a dream, it's not real." He said, pressing a kiss to my forehead and wiping away tears from my face.

"C'mon, you gotta get packed for LA, your flight leaves in like 2 hours."

"Fuck, what time is it" I groaned in frustration.

"It's around 8, love" he said, pecking me on the lips.

"If you pull out your suitcase out from under the bed for me, you can watch kim possible while I pack for you." He said with a smile.

I nodded and shot him a sad, sullen smile as I crawled out of bed and tugged my large, purple suitcase out from under the bed.

"Make sure you pack all of my office dresses and such" I reminded Bert.

"I know geebee." He said, reminding me of the sickeningly sweet nickname he had given me in highschool.

Me and Bert have been together since we ere in highschool. We both grew up in NJ, and we crossed paths eventually. The great thing about that is we know everything about each other. But on the contrary we have the same nicknames that we had 10 years ago.

Me and Bert first met when he stood up for me when I wore a skirt into school. I'm not trans or gender fluid or anything, I just like skirts and makeup. I don't see anything wrong with it, but there are still people with rocks for brains that think gender is purely scientific and not based on a persons thoughts.

I set the suitcase on my bed, as I walked up to Bert.

I placed my hands on his chest as he wrapped his arms around my frail waist.

"Thank you" I whispered into his ear.

"Anything for you, doll." He said sweetly.

Our lips collided as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pouted against his lils.

I pulled away and rested my head against his chest. His heart was pumping quickly, rushing blood to wherever it needed to go.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too, B" I mumbled back

"Now go watch kim possible so I can get you packed and ready.

"Okie Dokie" I said as I brought my hands down to my side.

I can't wait to get to LA! There is a case that no one has been able to solve for a little over a year, and its becoming a problem. So the L.A.P.D. called us out to see what we can do.

It's not like a hitman hasn't been caught before.

I grabbed the remote and flipped on kim possible. This was my favourite show of all time. My favourite character is Ron's mole rat thing, which is also one of the main reasons I like this show so much.

I pulled Berts shirt down my legs more, goosebumps riskng on the soft skin of my thighs.



"THE VELVET" I yelled back.

Berts always so helpful, I can't imagine my life without him.

He walked out of our room and into the den.

"You're all packed and ready to go!" He said enthusiastically.

"Great!" I exclaimed.

"Do you know how long you're going to be in LA for, babe?" He said with a smile.

"I dunno, I guess as long as it takes to solve this case. I can fly you out if needed" I said.


We walked silently up to the airport gates.

"Baby I love you so much, stay safe out there ok hun?" He said with his iconic smile.

"I know, I will" I said, wrapping him in a hug.

He ran his arms through my raven black hair and doqn the back of my colbalt blue dress.

"I'll call you as soon as I get there, ok?" I mumbled into his chest.

"Ok babe, i'll see you when I see you" he said, kissing the top of my head.

"I'll see you when I see you" I said back, grabbing my suitcase and made my way to the waiting area.

"Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting"- Peter Pan.

Dying In LA ||Frerard/Ryden/Petekey||Where stories live. Discover now