Brendon Boyd Urie

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*7 years ago*

"Truth or Dare, Boyd?" The question rang through my head.

"Dare." I whispered.

"Get up, we're going to the mall" Christian growled.

My friends, Davis and Sam got up and followed Christian to the door.

"Well Brendon, are you coming?" Davis asked, I could tell he was nervous from the way he bit the inside of his cheek.

"Yeah, I am" I said, standing up.

I'm not even friends with these people, I was dared by my real  friends to go to a "social gathering" that they had invited me to. Those dipshits.

As we walked to Christians car, I wondered why I was even here. Its not like my friends were going to hold it against me if I didn't go. But I guess i'm already here, accepting my fate: death by      Preppy-overload.

We all piled into the car: me in shotgun, Christian driving, and Davis and Sam sucking each others faces off in the backseat.

"Ok so the plain is, while the three of us are filming, you are going into the  Calvin Klein and are going to shoplift something. Ok?"

"Ok" I mumbled.

I'm totally screwed, I can't get caught! I have a life ahead of me!

Maybe if I grab a pair of socks and shove them down my skinny jeans, I won't get caught! Thats what i'll do!


"Hey, my name is Axel, how can I help you?" Some teenager that obviously didn't want to be hear asked.

"Hi Axel, do you by any chance know where the socks are?" I asked.

"Right behind you." He said, gesturing behind me.

"Oh, right. Thanks." I mumbled back in embarrassment, turning around to grab a pair of socks     and grabbed two tee shirts, one black and one grey, to try one because it would be too obvious if I just brought socks to the dressing room.

"Hey Axel, can I get a dressing room" I asked the lavender haired boy in the black uniform.

He's cute.

No homo.


Yeah, no homo.

"Yeah, sure man." He said walking towards me and the dressing rooms with a big, cartoon-style key ring.

I hid the all-black socks under the tee shirts so he wouldn't assume anything.

Well I guess he would be correct if the thought I was shoplifting.

"All yours!" He said as he unlocked the door of the dressing room for me.

"Thanks Axel"

"Any time, man. Any time" he said winking at me.


I ducked into the small, cramped, horribly lit dresssing room and slid the socks between my boxers and jeans.

I  stared at myself in the mirror, adjusting the socks so it looked less awkward. Which really wasn't saying much. It looked like I had a giant 'problem' in my jeans.


I leave the dressing room, tying a hoodie around my waist.

"Did you find everything you- umm..." Axel said, his smile fading and his eyes wandering. A slight blush coming to. "Needed." He finished.

"Yup! See ya later!" I said, exiting the store.

Christian and his possie slithered out from around the corner.

"Woah, did you get frisked in there or something?" Sam question.

"Nope, just a heated makeout session with your mom." I retorted. "Its a pair of socks you twats." 

"Oh, damn. Slick Bden!" Davis said, holding his hand out for a high-five. I curled my fingers tightly into a fist and punched him in the palm of his hand.

"Let's kill it." I mumble

"Kill what? Is there a spider?" Davis said, panic lacing his voice.

"Tonight. Let's kill tonight." I said.

After that, we went back to Christians house for more drinking and truth or dare.


*3 days later*

 "You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire. If you choose to talk to the police officer, you have the right to stop the interview at any time." The women in the blue uniform said as she pushed me up against the wall and cuffed me.

"Yes Ma'am." I responded against the wall.

She walked me off of my front porch and into the police car. She pushed down on my shoulder and onto the hard, cold, uncomfortable plastic interior of the police car.

I looked out my window. My parents were standing on the porch talking to the cop lady, my Dads arm wrapped around my Moms waist. My Mom was already in tears and you could tell from looks that my Dad was not far from it.

I fumbled with the hem of the back of my shirt. This car is boring, that lady is boring. I jusg want to go to the police office, explain what happened, and go home.

I didn't have a doubt that I would get away with a warning. It's not like I was selling weed in an alley behind the walgreens like my sister was two years ago. My parents disowned her and I haven't seen her since. I didn't care. She was a homophobic bitch anyway, and a total whore. She always had guys sneaking through her window, hickeys lining her neck the morning after.

I had nothing wrong with Sarah seeing someone, it's just it was always someone different each time. I don't think that she ever slept with the same guy twice.

The lady cop slid into the front seat of the squad car, and pulled out of my driveway.

We drove for a few minutes while I reconsidered my friendships. Why the fuck did I hang out with Christian anyway? He is a total jerk. At least he isn't homophobic. That would be a huge problem with me.

Because i'm a flaming homosexual.


"Ok kid, lets go." The cop said, helping me out of the car.

"Thanks ma'am" I said back

I know I shouldn't talk back or resist the cops, that would be like digging my own grave, except in exchange for a shovel my wepon of choice would be words.

"So kid, here's whats going to happen" the women said quietly as we entered the office. "We are going to retain you. You are innocent until proven guilty, got it? Now the best thing you can do for yourself is be brutally honest with whoever is doing the interrogation. But whoever it is i'll put in a good word for you because you've been good. You're a good kid Urie. You don't wanna end up like your sister."

She stepped in front of me and kicked open a door. She grabbed my shoulder and led me down a hallway filled with cells. She grabbed a key chain off her utility belt ad we walked and unlocked an unoccupied cell. She ushered me into the cell and locked the door behind me.


*one month later*

"Brendon Boyd Urie has been sentanced to do volunteer work at the L.A.P.D police station. And Christian Alexander Taine has been found guilty for shoplifting merchandise and will be sentanced to one year in prison." The judged ruled as he brought down his gavel on the small block of wood.

I did it!

"Before you give up, think about why you have held on for so long."-unknown.

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