Goner pt. 2

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Happy whatever you celebrate.

So this is just a little tip of advice, if you ever have writers block, watch a TV show that's related to whatever you're writing, for example while I write this I watch NCIS or Law And Order: Special Victims Unit.


Three days before "it"

Ryan Ross's POV:

I woke from the sun streaming through my window. The sound of light traffic filled the room with settling white noise. It's funny how we over look the smaller things in life and we only cherish them when the time is right, like how normally i'd be annoyed by the noise, but right now, it made everything in the blank room blissful. It painted the walls with the noise; a light grey color with a blue-ish tint. The color of industrialization throughout the years. It all started out with railroads and oil, and now we have eletric cars and space travel. It's beautiful how the world is slowly changing ways, obviously it could be more graceful, without the whole "global warming" and underhanded business deals.

That may also be the pain killers talking

My thoughts are interrupted as the door whipped open, hitting the back wall shaking the room.

In walked the guy with the greasy hair from yesterday, and a nurse woth a clipboard held close to her chest. Her light blonde hair grazing her shoulders.

"Good morning, Mr. Ross. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." I responded honestly, I did kinda get shot by some sociopath.

"Well I guess that's to be expected, are you feeling up to answering a few questions about... well, you know what we're talking about." She said, her bright blue eyes shining in the bright LED hospital lights.

"Yeah, sure."

Fuuccckkk now I have to talk to this hobbit looking dude with hair that really needs to be washed.

The nurse left me in the room with who i'll be calling elf man for now.

"How much do you remember from that night?"

"Well, this guy asked to be driven down to some place in jersey for like 20 bucks, I'm from L.A., Which I know probably sounds ridiculous but my boyfriend lives down there so I figured sure why not go see him and fly back up, so I did it and when we were a few miles out I was like wow this is hella sketchy and decided i'd take my money and ditch. Which, I decided to do but in the long run was pretty fucking stupid, cause I ditched the car at a stop sign and took the money and bolted. Then he rolled down his window and shot me. That's all I really remember from that night." I said, trying to remember simple details like the street name or a plate number, or even the color of the car. But all I remember is pain and headlights shining brightly into my eyes before passing out.

"do you remember a name, or any distinct features, tattoos maybe, hair color? race?"

"not really, the guy had a shit ton of tattoos and a lip ring, but I don't remember what any of them looked like. His hair was black and bright red on the sides, sort of a faux hawk."

"would you be able to maybe talk to a sketch artist about him?"

"doubt it, I don't think it would be very accurate and I wouldn't want to mislead anyone."

"makes sense. do you remember what type of car it was or the license plate?"

"I think it started with a R or something, and the car was black."

elf man scribbled something onto the clipborad he was holding.

"alright, so I was thinking since obviously you have suffered head trauma from the whole incident, how would you like to go to back to L.A. and stay with me and my team so when you remember something, it isn't too hard to get ahold of you, and yoh can contribute to trying to help us track this guy down, obviously this would be after you got better."

"i'd love to, but would it be ok for me to visit my boyfriend first and then fly up?"

"yes of course, i'll book you a flight for two days, the doctor said you would be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, so hopefully that would give you enough time to visit your loved ones. i'll be flying out early tomorrow morning."

"ok great! I guess i'll see you soon."

"bye" he said, standing up and quickly leaving the room."

this was gonna be a long night.

A/N: hey guys! sorry ab the wait, hope you enjoyed.

who do you think ryans bf is?

could it be...


see you guys soon!

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