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Hey, so this fic is going to have A LOT of trigger warnings, and if I were to put them in at the beginning of chapters, that would be a spoiler so i'm just going to make a list, and if there were to be a chapter that has a possible trigger in it (it's going to be pretty (odd) much every chapter so yeah GOOD LUCK) I will add a A/N at the beginning that says POSSIBLE TW and let me tell ya, i'm not talking about teen wolf. So since i'm being very vague to keep you all guessing, basically prepare for the worst every chapter.

Here we go...

TRIGGER WARNINGS INCLUDE (but are not limited to):


-graphic violence

-talk/descriptive use of weapons (guns, knives, you name it and it will be here)

-use of acid for torture/murder



-disscussion of self harm/suicide in a characters past

-kinky butt secks (smut)

-brief references of Pretty. Odd. And the sun and the moon theory (idk but it may make ppl upset)

-V DETAILED descriptions of torture


-Talk of the KKK and other satanic cults


-Brief episodes of extreme grief and mental breakdown

-breadcrumb-style hints of depression

-Dans diss track (idk this made a few ppl upset)

-NON-HETERO REALATIONSHIPS (why are you here if you think this is wrong? Yeah yeah, we're all going to hell BUT SATAN LOVES ME MORE THAN HE LOVES YOU SO SUCK IT HOMOPHOBES.)

-Northern Downpour (no context, i'm just going to leave this here... it's a surprise)

-referances to the bee movie ("ya like jazz", "How 'bout a suicide pact?" And such.)

-night terrors

-child abuse


-bad puns

Um yeah so over all this is going to be pretty screwed up, so read at your own will. I added in everything I thought could be a trigger, if anyone finds anymore dm me or something but other then that WEAR YOUR SEATBELTS AND BE SAFE. WE'RE DIVING INTO THIS FIC (fore) HEAD FIRST.

Dying In LA ||Frerard/Ryden/Petekey||Where stories live. Discover now