Forever Yours

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Hey guys, thank you so so much for 450 reads!! Love you!
Phil's POV:

Dan pushed me up against the wall, me panting heavily when my bulge rubbed against his through the fabric of my jeans.
"fuck" he whispered in my ear, his lips then colliding with mine in a passionate kiss, filled with lust and heat.
"my dirty little secret" he whispered in between kisses.
he kissed up my neck to my jaw.
"Phil!" someone yelled.
"PHIL!!" the voice became louder.
I lifted my head slowly off the desk, my eyes heavy.
"You fell asleep." Dan said, eyebrows raised.
Everyone at the conference table stared at me.
Smooth Phil, smooth.
"Sorry, I'm still adjusting to the time change. You were saying?" I said back slyly. Yes, definitely not having an erotic dream about you.
Definitely not.
That would be unprofessional.
"Oooh-kay..." Dan said, probably confused.
I looked around the room. Gerard, and an eye witness Ryan sat to the left of me and Dan to the right. We were supposed to be getting an intern to help us with the case.
"Well then," Dan said, clearing his throat. "We searched Gerard's apartment, our search team found partial remains, and what seems to be a scavenger hunt. The limb was confirmed to belong to Robert McCracken. I assume that Mr. Brightside has hidden his remains around the city for us to find."
Bert McCracken was a shady fucker. I honestly don't trust him for a minute, even if he's Gee's "soulmate" as Dan put it.
That man spends too much time on the internet. That kind of stuff just doesn't happen in real life. In addition to this, he acts like the sweetest thing around everyone, like a sad lost puppy.
Well, I think he's full of shit, but that's just my opinion. As if it matters.
At least I'm not off in la la land, living a lie like SOMEONE *cough* dan *cough cough*.
The small frail boy sitting at the table looked up, eyes filled with shock and brimmed with tears.
"Did-did you say, McCracken. As in Bert McCracken?" he whimpered out.
"Yes, why? Do you have any sort of relation to him?" Dan asked, eyes shining, most likely hoping for a break in the case so we could have a conference with the public.
"I'm sorry, I can't hear right now." he whispered, barely audible. He quickly got up and ran out of the room, tears running down his face.
"Phil," Dan said, his brown eyes filling with aggravation. "Will you please go see what's up with Rosco." He said gesturing towards the door.
"his name is Ryan, Mr. Howell." Gerard corrected.
"yeah whatever, but seriously go see what's wrong with him."
"ok, I'll be back in a minute, sir," I said as I walked out of the room.

I should probably check the bathrooms first, I don't really know where else to go.
I stopped by the break room, just to make sure he wasn't in there, definitely not grab another donut.

I walked down the hall to the men's room, running a hand through my hair.
I turned left down a different hall with equally ugly carpet until I finally reach the men's bathroom.
I pushed the blue door open and walked in, stepping onto the disgusting blue tiles.
ew ew ew ew ew ew ew.
It's like they never clean this thing, which they probably don't.
"Ryan, are you in here?" I said, my voice echoing off the cheapy made walls.
I walked further into the room. My black dress shoes squeaked against the damp floor.
It smelled of urine and axe body spray.
Just great.

"Ryan?" I said as I pushed open one of the three dark blue stall doors.

I heard sniffles coming from the stall farthest from the door.

I knocked gingerly on the stall door.
"Ryan?" I said, trying o push the door open.
"Ry, will you please open the door? I just want to talk." I said, trying to coax him out with gentle words and a calm, even-toned voice.
"Don't call me that," he said aggressively.
"He used to call me that."
"Who is he, Ryan? Will you please open up the door?"
This was getting annoying.
I gasped softly. Who would have guessed that they would have had any sort of relationship?
Not me.
But that just means I was right about Bert being a little bitch, so that means I get to rub that in Dan's face.
After comforting Gee of course.
"Ryan please open the door, we should talk about this."
The lock screeched open and the door slowly swung open.
Out came Ryan with a tear-stained face and a generally drained look in his eyes.
He looked horrible.
I walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my chest, slowly running my hands up and down his back while he sobbed violently.
I feel so bad for him, not only did his friend, but he also has spoken to the murderer and possibly aided in his death.
He pulled away from my hug, looking a mess.
"Rinse your face off, I'll bring you some water from the break room," I said gesturing towards the sink.
"thanks" he mumbled out.
I walked down the hall towards the break room.
I opened the door to find Gerard making coffee in his favorite #1 dad mug.

"Oh, hey Phil, did you talk to the new kid?" he said as he dumped an unhealthy amount of sugar into his mug.
"Yeah, it turns out he actually knew Bert. Strange right?" I said, grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.
"yeah,," he said looking down at his coffee "strange."
"I'm sure Mr. Howell will be excited to know that we have another witness," I said, trying to look on the bright side.
"hopefully" Gerard whispered quietly, obviously lost in thought.

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