Please Read This - New Version

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The first chapter of the new version is officially published, you can find it on my profile or by searching for it under the title "I Had To Die To Truly Live". Thank you for everything, I hope you enjoy!


Hello everyone! I was suddenly inspired to rewrite this story because - I feel ashamed of it. While I like some of some of my writing.. there are parts that I absolutely despise for they are disgusting and horribly offensive in the worst way. Many comments have been saying (for a while) that this is not BDSM it is abuse, and those people are correct. It was never my intention to create a story about assault or to romanticize rape - I definitely fucked up. I'm so sorry for not using my brain.

When I first started this book I was a child who had been inspired by a lot of wrong things, saying I didn't understand makes me sound insensitive and I don't really remember what mindset I was in at the time (I was a dumb 15-17 year old that did not use their brain - please use your brain! Don't be dumb like me.) Now at 24 I go back and look at this story - all I do is cringe and hate it. I rushed a lot which ment the story seriously lacked depth, character development, and true bdsm as well as an actual story. I'm so sorry I failed you as a writer. I don't remember much about my original idea for this story but I know I never want to hurt anyone, I failed.

I wish to apologize to anyone I have offended with this story and hope you will give me a second chance to redeem the Horrid Four - and myself. I understand if you don't want to and you have every right to stop reading, just if you think I deserve another shot please keep reading.

I like to think I have learned from my mistakes but I'm still young, still learning, and always trying to improve. Every one makes mistakes, it's how we learn from those mistakes and make changes - that we grow as people. I'm sorry it took me this long to acknowledge my mistake, I had a lot of learning  and growing to do.

If by chance you read this note I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, and apologize once again. I hope you have a wonderful morning/day/night; keep being you. 💖

I thought about deleting the original but I thought that might make it seem like I'm trying to hide my dirty past (while I'd love to do that, it almost doesn't feel right.) So I shall leave it up to y'all in the voting section below.

*** Voting ***
The previous story.

The Rewite
•Do It
•Don't Do It

New Version
•New Book
•Update In This Book

*** Last Note ***

Wow, I can't tell you how nervous I am writing and posting this. I'm currently writing the first chapter to the new version, let me know in the voting if I should upload the new chapters to this book or start them in a new book.

If you have any questions, comments, or general hate please feel free to leave a comment on this sentence. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this stay blessed. 💖

** Very Last Note **

I'm sorry if this apology sucks, I'm just speaking from my heart and some times I fall flat. 😭 I'm only human? 💖💖

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