All I Could Have Said But Didn't

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I woke up as soon as the sun came out. I ran towards the window and looked around. While I was looking out the window an idea popped in my head and suddenly I was princess Cordelia running away from the haunted woods.

"Oh my dear prince. Where are you at this fine hour? When are you going to come and save me?" I dramatically fell to my knees. "I'll give you this beautiful flower as a thank you and allow you to walk me home." Suddenly, I turned around and started dancing in my room singing.

"Prince, prince. I love you. I'll hold you in my arms. Now, won't you come out?"

"Anne. What in the heaven's sake happened here?" Marilla said, coming in the room. "And why do you have your curtain on your hair?"

"Oh, Marilla. I just have the most wonderful story to tell you. There was a princess. She was beautiful and brave -"

"As exciting as this story sounds. You have to get to school." Marilla said.

"Why. Of course. Today there is a spelling bee and there is not chance I would allow Gil- any kid at my school beat me." I said slightly blushing. "Let's get going then." I said going towards the door until Marilla stopped me.



"You're still in your pajamas."

I looked down and she was right.

"Oh, silly me."

"You better change."

"Of course." I said going towards the chair with my dresses but I was indecisive about which one to wear.

"Don't worry Anne. I'm sure Gilbert will love whatever you choose." Marilla said.

I was speechless. I didn't care about what Gilbert thought. I just happened to have a hard time deciding what to wear. It's just coincidence that it happened the day he was coming back. I was about to reply but Marilla wasn't in the room anymore. Have I really been thinking for that long? I shrugged and looked at my dresses again.

After about five minutes I finally chose which one to wear and got my things.

"Why Marilla isn't today a great day? " I said walking down the stairs.

"Why Anne? Why is today a great day?" said a voice behind me.

I screamed and turned around. I came across a tall guy with curly hair and a smirk. I guess it's quite obvious who it was.

"What are you doing here?" I said after a minute.

"Miss Marilla found out from Mrs Rachel that I was coming back today... Like you did. If I'm not mistaken. Anyways, she came early in the morning and asked me and Bash to join you for breakfast."

"Who is Bash?" I said. Although, as soon as I finished my sentence there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" said Matthew .

"I'm going to bring the tea." said Marilla

"So, how've you been?" Gilbert said with the smug smile on his face. I wish I had a slate in my hand right now. I would knock it right off. But, that's Gilbert we are talking about, he even smiled after I hit him with a slate the first time. I swear something's wrong with that kid.

"I've been spectacular. But, then a little surprise turned my morning dreadful"

"d r e -"

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