Love Is Worth The Risk

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Finally, it was Monday. Other than the drama. I love school and I can't wait to go today because there is a spelling bee. Our previous spelling bee got canceled because it wasn't fair to have a spelling bee when Gilbert was gone for so long.

Miss Stacy's words not mine.

I did my usually morning routine, ate my breakfast. Kissed Matthew and Marilla on the cheeks, got my books and started for school.

"Bye Jerry." I shouted.

"Au reviour, Anne." He replied.

To be honest. Those were the only words I knew in French, other than bonjour.

On my way to school I bumped on Charlie.

"I'm so deeply sorry, Charlie."

"Don't worry about it, Anne." said Charlie with a light chuckle.

"Come on. We're both going to school. Want to walk with me?... Not that you have much of a choice." He chuckled again.

I laughed lightly and agreed.

"So... How's life treating you Charlie?"

"Same as always. Normal. What about you?"


Charlie just stared at me.

"What?" I asked

"Anne, you do remember that not everybody has a dictionary in their brain like you, right?" He said and lightly pushed me.

"Right, I'm sorry. It means badly."

"Oh, why what's wrong?"

"Nothing really. It's just everything is so confusing."


"Promise me you won't say anything."

"I promise."

"Pinky promise."

"Really?" He started at me with a dull look.


He sighed and linked his pinky finger with mine.

"I promise."

"Okay, then... So, Ruby likes Gilbert."

"I know."

"You do?"

"It's quite obvious... Like Gilbert's crush on you."

"Okay, so she asked me if Gilbert likes her."

"He likes you."

"But, how am I supposed to know the answer? It's not like I live in his head."

"Trust me you basically do."

"She asked me if Gilbert was helping her because he is kind or because he likes her."

"He is kind."

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