Pain And Confusion

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"You can't leave. For once we are actually learning something. Why do you have to?" asked Gilbert.

"They just can't accept the fact that I'm a girl who is a teacher."

"But, they are perfectly fine with a teacher who had a relationship with a student. No offense Prissy." said Gilbert.

"Gilbert, men are thought to be higher than women. For example men are in the high class category and women are in the middle one. They don't care." said Miss Stacy.

"That's crazy." said Gilbert, crossing his arms.

"To you Mr Blythe, but not everybody thinks the same." said Miss Stacy with sad eyes.

"We will figure something out." said Ruby and we all nodded in agreement.

"Don't bother kids. Once they set their minds to something, it's final so it definitely won't change their minds the slightest. I am on trial. If the Valentine's day ball goes well. I will stay. So, I'm begging you please be as respectful and kind and thoughtful as possible."

"Definitely." said Billy.

"Thank you, kids. Now, you're free to go home early today. Mr Philips orders and come back tomorrow at your best behaviors."

I quickly got up and went towards Miss Stacy leaving my slate and notebook behind... What? I'm going to my secret hideout. So, I'm definitely going to write a bit.

"Miss Stacy, I'll do my absolute best to keep everyone at bay."

Miss Stacy smiled and said.

"Why thank you, miss Shirley-Cuthbert."

I politely smiled and went back to my seat to get my things. Which, Gilbert beat me to it.

"I'm perfectly capable to hold my things."

"I know."

"So, give them to me."



He just held my hand with his right one and guided me outside.

"I can hold my books."


"Don't shush me Blythe."

"Okay... Please change the subject."

"That's the same thing."

"... Or is it?"

"Yes, it is. Anyways, what are the plans for today?"

"Well, Billy and Josie basically begged me to spend a bit of time with them and you..." said Gilbert.

"Have fun."

"So, I said yes." said Gilbert.

"Good for you."

"That you will go too." said Gilbert.

"What?" I said annoyed.

"Come on. What's the worst that can happen?"

"I can die."

"And the drama queen is back."

"She didn't leave in the first place."

We continued walking and talking about basically everything. Until, we finally were in front of Billy's house.

"I think I forgot my things at school."

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