A Start For A Happy Ending?

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We sat there silently. None of us was saying a word. Until, Gilbert started to get frustrated.

"I missed you."

"I'm right here." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"No." He said and turned so he was looking right into my eyes. But, I avoided his gaze. "Anne, please look at me." I still continued to look anywhere but him. He put his hand under my chin and raise my head up so I was looking at him.


"No, please let me speak first. Because, if you don't I might not be able to say this again."

I nodded and let him continue.

"When I say I miss you. I don't just mean that I miss your presence. I mean that I miss having you in my arms. Holding you close to me. Kissing your forehead, your cheeks, your lips. I missed being able to talk to you. I missed our pranks. I missed when it was you and me. I want you in my life. Wait, no. I need you in my life. Without you. I will never be fully complete." He said as he let go of my chin and looked at me, with teary eyes.

I just looked at him.

" Please say something. Anything."

I took a death breath and held his hands.

"Gil. I liked you before I even knew it myself. You were the only one who handled my temper or understood me perfectly. Yes, my friend understood. But, nobody was able to compare to you. When, I read the letter. I immediately build a wall around me. I was dissapointed that the person I ended up falling for could write such things." I finished with teary eyes as well. Gilbert on the other hand, now was smiling wide

"Y-you ended up what?"  He stuttered.

Then, it hit me.

"Oh my God. Did I? Oh my God. I just said..." I worriedly looked at Gilbert.  "I didn't mean to scare you away. It just came out. I didn't plan it. I I was just-"

He kissed me.

What is with him kissing me out of nowhere? Not that I minded...

We let go but our faces were leaning on one another's.

"I love you." whispered Gilbert.

"Y-you do?" I asked.

"From the day you broke your slate over my head." He chuckled and he held my hands tighter as we backed away from each other.

"I love you too." I whispered.

"What?" He asked.

"I love you." I said louder.

"What? Say it louder." He said, getting excited.

"I love you." I shouted and he stood up, pulling me towards him, hugging me tightly.

"You have no idea, how long I waited to hear those words coming out of your mouth for."

"Well, I came at the age of thirteen and since I am now fifteen. I'm going to say two years?"

"Two whole years." He said hugging me tighter.

He pulled away a little bit, so he could look at me. Still holding me close to him.

We just gazed into each other's eyes.

"Hey." I said with a shy smile.

"Hey." said Gilbert, and returned the smile.

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