Hold My Heart Next To Yours

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Today, we are supposed to go to the church since it's Sunday. So, I quickly got dressed and went downstairs to find Marilla and Matthew.

"Come on, we are going to be late." I said while I was running towards them.

They simply got up and we went to the church.

Lucky me. Note the sarcasm. There was only one seat available and it just happened to be next to Ruby. Wonderful.

"Hey Anne." she said with a bright smile.

"Hey Ruby." To be honest I kind of missed her.

I don't even remember why I wasn't happy at the beginning about the fact that I would be sitting next to her.

"Remember yesterday when you came and I opened the door?"

Oooh, that's why.


"Well, after you left. I asked Gilbert to help me tomorrow after school and he said 'yes'."

"What?" I asked, not very quietly, because some people turned and looked at me. Including Cole who wasn't sitting that far behind us.

I shrugged it off and said.

"I mean that's great. I guess, I got really excited. I'm really happy for you Ruby." I said with a dull voice.

But, she was so caught up in her own world that she didn't notice it. Thank God.

"He might like me."

"Or he is just being polite."

I heard a voice behind me and there was Cole. How did he get behind us? I was sure he was at least three seats behind me.

Who am I kidding? That's Cole we are talking about.

"I don't think so."

"What do you think Anne?"

Cole once again asked me to answer another question that I was really trying to avoid.

"I believe that... Ummm... You know..."

"This year, Anne"

Said another voice.

I turned and came across Charlie.

"Guys, you do realize we are in a church, right?"

That was the voice that mattered the most.

"Exactly, for once Mr Blythe is right. Sit down and be quiet."

Everybody but Ruby, raised an eyebrow at me.

I just told them to sit down again, keeping my head high.

But, I didn't miss their light chuckle.

Gilbert, Cole and Charlie probably decided that they should've sit quietly, because they didn't even go back to their sits. All three of them were sitting behind me and Ruby.

I looked around somehow trying to find Diana.

Finally, I found her and she was already looking at me with a confused expression on her face.

I just shrugged.

The church was over about half an hour later.

I got up and went towards the door but Ruby stopped me.

"So, Anne is he helping me because he is kind or because he likes me?"

I turned around and Ruby, Diana, Cole and Charlie were standing there waiting for my answer.

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