━━ chapter two.

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DAHLIA SITS alone in the back of the van, monitoring the cameras. Twirling a strand of hair around her index finger, blowing a bubble from her gum, popping the larger it grew. It was always the case for her to chew gum. It helped with her nerves and kept her mouth busy from chewing on her nails until all was left was raw bloody skin. So far it has been working.

Dahlia watched at Hope van Dyne entered the restaurant owned by who she knows is Sonny Burch, a black market tech dealer. It seemed the deal went south, as Hope re-entered the restaurant, in what seemed to be her new suit. Dahlia chuckled to herself, realising that Hank Pym actually made a suit for his daughter, instead of discarding her to the side and asking a complete stranger with regards to seeking aid from Scott Lang.

Ava sits in the passenger seat, cracking her knuckles before joining Dahlia in the back of the van. Dahlia looks up to her, Ava removing the mask just to be able to show her face at the moment. She couldn't help but feel mesmerised by Ava's unique features. The two of them grew close during their time with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Ava had no friends, while Dahlia had a questionable reputation. The two bonded over the animosity they felt towards Hank Pym. Once S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed, Dahlia took it upon her to help Ava find a cure. During the process she fell in love with the woman, hoping to receive Ava's love in return one day. The memories of first meeting Dahlia fuels her actions in saving the woman she loves.

"What's happening in the restaurant so far?" Ava asked, resting her hands on Dahlia's shoulders. Her body went still from the physical contact, trying to calm her elevated heart rate. She wrapped the gum from her mouth in a piece of paper, chucking it into the bin in the van.

"Well looks like Hope and Sonny's men are going at it." Dahlia cleared her throat.

"I'll wait in position." Ava said, before Dahlia grabbed her wrist. Ava glared at her, confusion plain across her face.

"Be careful." Dahlia said. Ava slightly smirked, knowing how much the woman cares for her.

"I promise." Ava slipped her mask back on, before phasing through the van. Dahlia gazed back at the cameras once again, as she sees Hope. A victorious look on her face as she had the component in her hand and the bag of money in the other hand.

The reason why Dahlia hates Hope is because she once had feelings for the woman. The two were childhood friends, inseparable to say the least. Although after working in S.H.I.E.L.D, the two grew apart and once what seemed to be a cute little crush turned into hostility. The last time she has spoken to Hope was just after the catastrophic collapse. She buried any sort of feelings she had long time ago. The only person she could even consider loving is Ava. She was Dahlia's top priority.

"You ready?" Dahlia spoke to Ava through the communication devices they used.

"Of course." Ava said, her voice distorted from the mask.

"Let's begin." Dahlia smiled, as Ava phases through the wall of the restaurant. Dahlia smirked, seeing the surprised face on Hope's face. This is about to get even more interesting.


DAHLIA WATCHED as Ava and Hope throw punches at each other, smiling when Ava kicked Hope in her abdomen, the woman flying backwards before hitting the floor. Ava strutted towards the component, before Hope shrunk, continuing to parry with her. With ease, Ava phases through the attacks thrown at her, before subduing Hope. Ava plastered her arm around Hope's neck, restraining her movement.

"That's my girl." Dahlia smiled. However an inconvenience arrived in the form of Scott Lang. She should have called the FBI on him instead of leaving him alone for the time being. His interference was a thorn in Dahlia's plans. She watched as Ava fought against Hope and Scott alone. This would mean Pym was unprotected and easier to reach.

"Ava!" Dahlia shouted through her comms. Ava could not answer her, seeing as she was knocked down by Scott. Damn the stupid shrinking technology. Dahlia had to act fast in order for their plan to succeed. Ava really did hear Dahlia calling out to her, soon phasing through the walls before Hope and Scott returned to their normal size.

"Lia." Ava breathed heavily.

"Pym is defenceless, get the laboratory from him." Dahlia said.

"Alright." Dahlia watched carefully as Hope began communicating with her father. They cannot fail now, they had to succeed at any cost. Hope and Scott soon run out of the restaurant, as Dahlia looked up to see the two individuals from the front window of the van. They retreat around the corner.

"Ava! Hurry." Dahlia nervously mumbled to herself. The woman phases through the van, resting what was Hank Pym's laboratory in the back of the van. Dahlia jumps in shock, as Ava quickly sits in the passenger seat.

"Drive." Ava mumbled. The engine of the van roared to life, as the two woman drove away from the restaurant. Ava pulled off her mask, lying her head back. She gasps for air, wincing in pain. Her body phases rapidly, as sweat trails her forehead.

"We'll be there soon Ava." Dahlia said, gripping the steering wheel tightly with both hands. Ava passes out, resting her head on Dahlia's shoulder. The pain was too much for her to control.


DAHLIA HELPED Ava out of the van, Ava's arm slung over Dahlia's shoulders. Once Ava woke up, she was so weak to even walk on her own. Pushing the front door open, Dahlia helps Ava out of her suit.

"Lia." Ava stutters.

"I'm here Ava." Dahlia looks at her.

"You're very beautiful." Ava suddenly said. Dahlia tried to control herself from blushing.

"Ava." Dahlia sighed. She helped the fragile woman enter the Quantum chamber, as Ava rested on the bed. Dahlia rests her hands on the cold glass, staring at the woman lying on the bed. If only Ava knew how much Dahlia craved for her love to be returned.


AVA KNEW about the feelings Dahlia has towards her. The only problem is hiding her own true feelings towards Dahlia, to prevent her heart breaking in case Ava was to die. The only reason Ava wants to live is to have a happier life and ending with Dahlia. Ava closed her eyes, falling off to sleep as she had one thought in her mind. Dahlia.


04 / 08 / 2019

i finally got around to editing the chapters so yay me! anyway, i'm planning on having this gif banner at the end of every author's note. i am such trash for jungkook. anyway, thanks for reading as always!

 anyway, thanks for reading as always!

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