━━ chapter ten.

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DAHLIA TAILED SCOTT and Sonny Burch, Scott easily disarming Burch's men. Burch left the car, running away with the building in his arms. She watched as Scott runs towards the small figure of Burch, as he tried to nab the lab from his hands. Due to his size, he could not fit through the narrow alley, causing Sonny to escape. Dahlia headed towards the bay area, as she noticed Sonny heading towards the bay. Hastily parking her car, she rushes after Burch but was too slow. She watched as he boarded the ship, as it begins to sail away.

"Dammit." Dahlia groaned.

The ground shook, as Dahlia turns around to see Scott running towards the bay. He stops once he sees Burch sailing further away from the bay.

"How did he even have time to buy a ticket?" Scott sighed. He soon notices Dahlia on the ground, as she began waving her arms up at him.

"Scott!" she called out. He kneels down, looking at her.

"Please don't tell Woo I'm here." he panicked.

"Don't worry about that. Just get the lab." Scott nodded, standing up straight. He soon shrinks back to his miniaturised form, before calling upon an ant to fly on. However, the ant is soon eaten by a seagull. Calling several more ants led to their deaths until he finally boarded an ant, flying after the ship.

Dahlia watched Scott's small form flying, before noticing another seagull heading his way. She watched as Scott abandoned the flying ant before falling into the water below.

"Come on Scott." Dahlia gazed into the water, hoping he would appear. Water shoots up, as she sees Scott's larger form swimming through the water towards the ship. Emerging from underneath the water, Scott towers over the people and the ship. He manages to grab the building out of Burch's hands. Scott begins to walk back to the bay, holding the lab between his fingers.

"Thank god, Scott." Dahlia sighed in relief. Her phone buzzes in her pocket, seeing Woo's number on her phone.

"Hello?" she brings the phone to her ear.

"Where are you!" he shouted.

"What's wrong?"

"Lang is at the bay. Get down there now." He cuts the call on her. Dahlia looks up at Scott places the lab on the ground, before he begins to move dizzily around the water. He passes out before falling backwards into the water. Copious amounts splash along civilians, as Dahlia watched Hope diving after him.

Dahlia headed towards Luis who was walking towards the lab. Ava soon appears, knocking Luis backwards, before grabbing the remote from him.

"Ava no!" Dahlia shouts out.

"No wait!" Luis shouts before Ava presses the button, enlarging the lab. Several cars destroyed in the process and more mass panic occurring amongst the civilians. Dahlia runs up to Ava, stopping her before she entered the lab.

"Ava stop!" Dahlia tried grabbing her arm, before phasing through Ava's body.

"I'm so close. We're so close." Ava said, entering the building. Dahlia trailed behind her.

"This is not right. What if Janet van Dyne can actually help you?" Ava stopped in her tracks, before looking at Dahlia.


"She could help you Ava." Dahlia walked towards her, causing Ava to back away.

"This was your idea, Dahlia."

"Yes but it was a flawed and terrible idea..."

"And it's what we're going to do." Ava walked away from her. Dahlia hated what she had to do. She reached for her gun, pulling it out of the holster before aiming it at Ava.

"I'm sorry that I have to do this." Dahlia mumbled, aiming her gun at Ava. The woman stared at Dahlia in pure shock.


"Please. Stop. Please." Dahlia begged. Ava cracked her knuckles, before phasing in front of Dahlia's eyes. Dahlia lowered her gun, before she felt a pair of arms restraining her from behind.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this." Ava mumbled in Dahlia's ear. An object impacting against Dahlia's head, she falls to the ground. Her head throbs with immense pain, as her vision looks hazy.


"I'm sorry." Ava walked away from Dahlia, heading towards the tunnel. A voice rang behind Dahlia, as she felt another pair of arms around her.

"Dahlia!" It was Bill.

"Bill...please. Stop her." Dahlia mumbled, soon before unconsciousness overtakes her senses.


SWEET AROMA. The air was filled with the scent of honeysuckle, as the warm rays of the sun paint the grass. The colours mixing with each other, casting a moody orange glow on the earth.

She wanders through the lush field, her hands brushing the plants. Her head was filled with heaviness, her nose smell several scents mixing in the air. She felt herself controlling the scent of the air, bending it to her will. The fragrances were intoxicating. She felt she could control people with the scents she manipulated.


27 / 11 / 2018

a big surprise in store after that ending.
anyway. two more chapters to go! thanks for reading!

 two more chapters to go! thanks for reading!

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