━━ chapter eleven.

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DAHLIA'S EYES slowly open, as she sits up. She notices Bill trying to persuade Ava, before she throws him to the side. Dahlia wobbled before standing on her two feet. Dahlia continues winching in pain as her head still throbbed in pain.

"Bill." Dahlia groaned, walking to him and helping him from the floor.

"There's another way Ava. Please, stop this." Bill mumbled.

"This is the way." she bluntly spoke, switching on the quantum chamber. Ava opens the door of the chamber, stepping inside. She begins to absorb the quantum energy pouring out from the tunnel, as Dahlia looked from outside of the chamber.

Hope and Scott soon arrives, with Scott switching off the power supplied to the chamber. Ava notices this, as she runs out of the chamber, throwing punches at Scott. He shrinks, throwing punches at her but resulted in his arm phasing through her. Ava kicks the small Scott as he lands on the ramp of the tunnel. Hope shoots her blasters at Ava, as it phases through her body.

"Ava! Stop!" Dahlia shouts out. Ava ignores her plea, throwing punches at Hope. Hope manages to knock Ava backwards across the ramp. Advancing towards her to stop her, Ava knocks Hope backwards on the ramp. Dahlia notices the ship returning from the tunnel.

"Hope!" Scott shouts out, before enlarging himself and grabbing Hope away from the ramp.

"Ava!" Dahlia shouts out, before the ship impacts against Ava's body, knocking her towards the wall. Dahlia runs to Ava's side. The woman groans in pain as Dahlia holds her in her arms. Her hands phase through the woman, as Ava shifts uncontrollably in pain.

"It hurts...so much." Ava let the tears fall from her eyes. Dahlia held both sides of Ava's face, breathing heavily. She looked back, seeing Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne exiting the ship. Hope was finally reunited with her mother. Dahlia watched Hope cry tears of joy before hugging her mother tightly. She looked back at Ava in her arms, before helping her back on her feet. She watched as the fragile woman's body consistently phases, her body completely being torn apart. Janet leaves the arms of Hope, walking towards Dahlia and Ava. She stares attentively at Ava, as the woman gestured for Dahlia to let go of her. Dahlia backs away, standing next to Bill. He rests a hand on her shoulder, reassuring her that Ava will be okay.

"I can see the pain in your eyes." Janet speaks softly. Ava stares at her, the glassiness of her eyes visible to Dahlia.

"It hurts..." Ava voice was inaudible to the others. Janet cupped both sides of Ava's face before closing her own eyes. Dahlia watched the energy flowing through Janet's hands, similar in colour to the quantum energy which envelopes Ava.

Ava repeatedly breathes in and out, as her cheeks are stained with her tears. Slowly, her constant phasing of her body slows down before materialising. Dahlia's eyes widened in surprise, before a smile spreads across her face. She felt tears herself filling her eyes, before she walked back to Ava. Janet moved away from Ava before Dahlia engulfed the smaller woman in her arms. Dahlia cried into Ava's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for betraying your trust." Dahlia mumbled through tears.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you. You always know what is best for me." Ava said. Dahlia and her break their hug before Dahlia faces Janet van Dyne. The older woman greeted her with a warm smile.

"Thank you. So much..." Dahlia's voice cracks as she gently wipes away her tears.

"It's not a problem." Janet smiled. Hope and Hank joined her, before the three hugged each other. The family was finally reunited once again. Dahlia was happy to see the smile radiating on Hope's face. Scott reemerged, scratching atop of his head nervously.

"So...you didn't tell Woo where I am, did you?" he shrugged. Dahlia couldn't help but laugh.

"No but I think he already knows seeing as you enlarged yourself and collapsed in the bay earlier." she said.

"Help a guy out?"

"You're a smart guy Scott. I'll make sure Woo doesn't catch you. In the meantime, have a plan ready on how you're going to get back home."

"Thank you Dahlia." Scott smiled, before he, Hope, Hank and Janet leave the building. She turns around to face Ava and Bill.

"Bill, take her somewhere safe. I don't want the FBI to arrest Ava. Let me know where you will be." Dahlia was about to head out of the laboratory before Ava grabs ahold of her wrist. For once, her hand does not phase through Dahlia. Bill takes this as a sign to gather everything he and Ava needs before they depart.

"You shouldn't come back. I already caused so much of pain to others. You're going to risk your job, a job you love for me." Ava spoke, her voice quieter than ever.

"Yes because I love you Ava. You're more important to me." Dahlia finally confessed her true feelings to Ava. No response left Ava's mouth, as she attentively stared at Dahlia. Without hesitation, Ava leaned forward, pressing her lips against Dahlia's. Arms wrapped around each other, as they exchanged breaths. The kisses heated and hungry, something Dahlia craved for since she fell in love with Ava. Her face heating up, as Dahlia soon pulled away.

"I love you too, Lia. Now go. I'll see you soon." Ava pressed a light kiss on her lips. Dahlia watched as Ava and Bill rushed out of the building, before taking it as her cue to exit the building herself. All she could think about was the taste of sweet honey on her lips. The sweet ambrosia. For some reason this intrigued her as well as confused her. Honey. Why honey?


27 / 11 / 2018

okay, so next chapter will be the last! anyway, this story will end up with a lot of questions unanswered. you will know the answer soon, when the time comes. anyway, thanks for the support as always and again sorry for the writing being not being engaging towards the end but i hoped you enjoyed nonetheless.

 anyway, thanks for the support as always and again sorry for the writing being not being engaging towards the end but i hoped you enjoyed nonetheless

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