━━ chapter three.

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DAHLIA SLIPPED on her snapback, throwing on her special FBI jacket. She received a call from Woo, saying they spotted Hank and Hope at Berkeley University. Gazing back at the quantum chamber, seeing Ava in a subdued state, she closes the front door of the house behind her. Removing the car cover from her old Ford Mustang, slipping the keys into the ignition as the car sputtered to life. She had to keep an eye on Hank and Hope, knowing the two of them will do anything in their power to obtained the laboratory back from them. Dahlia did not want to do this but she had no choice. The only thing that matters is saving Ava and she will do anything in her power to save Ava. Even if it means becoming a criminal.

The view of the forest disappears behind her, the sun beaming down on her. Sticking a piece of gum in her mouth, she chews as the movement calmed her nerves. Her thoughts scrambled in her head, hoping she can prevent them from finding out where Ava is. Switching the car off, she locks it before proceeding to where Woo stood, several other officers from his team surrounding him.

"Where have you been? You haven't been in the office yesterday!" Woo seemed to be losing his patience.

"I had some personal business to go through Jimmy. What's the situation?" Dahlia asked.

"It's was reported that someone spotted Hank Pym and Hope van Dyne at the university."


"Well...um. Let's just look around." Woo groaned. Dahlia laughed, looking towards her left, spotting familiar silhouettes in a office. It was Hope, Hank and Scott. It seems as if they were talking to Bill Foster. Dahlia's eyes widened in shock, dashing quickly to Woo. She was not going to tell him exactly that they were her but to suggest the option of questioning Bill Foster.

"Jimmy! Bill Foster used to work with Hank Pym, remember. Let's question him. Maybe he would know something." Dahlia suggested.

"Good idea." Woo agreed, as Dahlia followed her colleague, heading up the staff offices, before knocking on Bill Foster's office door. Dahlia noticed the trio slipped out before anyone could spot them. A relief to her because she was not anticipating the FBI to capture them yet. The door of the office opens, Bill on the other side. He scoffed after making eye contact with Dahlia, before letting Woo and his team inside the office. He closed the door behind him. Woo proceeded to talk to Bill as Dahlia waited by the door.

"Good day Bill. Good to see you again." Woo said.

"Jimmy Woo. Dahlia." he acknowledges her. Dahlia greeted him, remaining silent for the duration of the questioning time.

"We have intel stating that Hank Pym and his daughter Hope van Dyne were spotted on campus. Did they come to speak with you or not?" Woo asked.

"I haven't spoken to Hank in years officer Woo." Bill stated.

"Why is that?" Woo's partner Stoltz asked. For some reason, Dahlia despised Stoltz. She knew he was harbouring secrets. Her deviancy is to help Ava, not gain power. Love is her motivation not power. There was something that Stoltz was doing behind Woo's back and Dahlia hated that Woo chose him over her as a partner. Despite knowing Woo longer, she was ignored. Maybe it was due to the fact that Dahlia did not cooperate when it came to Woo's orders. Still, she wanted to work alongside him, not under him. The snide remarks makes everything better everyday for Dahlia.

"Because Hank Pym and I hate each other's guts." he scoffed. Dahlia knows from experience that Hank Pym was difficult to communicate with. He hated everything to do with S.H.I.E.L.D. and once Dahlia became an agent, Hope became distant towards her because of her father.

"Thank you for your time, Bill. I'll see you soon." Woo thanked him. He gestured for Dahlia to follow him, but she held a finger up letting him know she will follow him soon. Woo nodding in agreement, left the office. Dahlia closing the door behind her, she discards her flavourless gum in the trash can lying in Bill's office. Pulling off his reading glasses, he lies back in his chair, looking at Dahlia.

"So I'm guessing Ava has the laboratory." Bill said.

"Yes." Dahlia said.

"They are trying to track the laboratory."

"Please tell me you didn't give them a solution."

"I suggested Hank should use one of his regulators to detect the lab but he removed them from the suits either way."

"You're this close to ruining our chances of saving Ava." Dahlia groaned.

"I want to save her as much as you do, Dahlia. So do not accuse me of sabotaging everything we planned." he said.

"She's getting worse Bill. I don't know what to do." Dahlia cracks her knuckles, readjusting the gun around her waist.

"Dahlia. I suggest you head back to the house for now. I'll meet you there later." Dahlia nodded, walking away, leaving the office.


AVA RESTED uncomfortably on the bed in the chamber, trying to fall asleep. Alas it was of no use. Sleep did not want to overtake her body. She noticed Dahlia entering the house again, seeing her slump onto the couch, sipping from a glass soda bottle. She hated to see Dahlia suffer so much for her sake. Maybe it was best for her to die at times, to stop the continuous pain Dahlia has been going through. Although Ava knows for a fact that she does not wish to die. Not until she tells her feelings to Dahlia.

If she were to make it out alive, with the help of Bill and Dahlia, she would confess. Letting Dahlia know of her true feelings for her. To finally be able to love her without any complications. For now, this is only just a dream. Maybe one day her dream will become a reality. Ava closed her eyes once again, sleep soon powering over her tired body.


18 / 08 / 2018

welp, well that was a eh chapter to say the least. anyway thank you guys for reading and if anyone is interested, please let me know if anyone wants me to do a sort of q&a type thing with all of my stories in case some of you have questions. let me know so i can see where to go from there. anyway thanks again!

 anyway thanks again!

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