━━ chapter nine.

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𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁

SLUMPING BACK on her old bed, coughing as the dust hanging in the air enters her lungs. She did not want to come back home today, knowing the secret she was hiding from her parents. She sits up on her bed, her eyes scanning the walls covered with vintage Hollywood posters, some corners tearing up.

She touched her face, winching at the recent bruise across her cheek. School was tougher today. Dahlia hears the front door closing shut downstairs, sitting up on her bed. Her parents are back from their meeting. Dahlia proceeded to spend hours locked away in her room before soon her mother calls her for dinner. She rolled out of bed, heading into the shower to scrub away the pain she experienced today. Her body flushed red as she scrubbed herself raw. Tears filling her eyes, as she sobbed to herself. Stepping out of the warm water, she pulled on a new set of clothes, before heading downstairs to greet her parents. She managed to hide the bruise on her face with her hair.

"Dahlia! Your shower was unnecessarily long." her mother bluntly spoke. She takes a seat at the end of the dining table, lowering her face. She did not want to make any sort of eye contact with them.

"Sorry mom." she said.

"How was school today?" her father asked.

"Terrible." Dahlia mumbled.

"Can school not be terrible for you for once." her father sighed. Dahlia sneezed, her hair moving away from the spot covering the bruise. Her mother's eyes widened in shock, as she stared at the blue mark.

"What happened to your face?" her mother asked.

"Nothing." Dahlia mumbled.

"You were getting bullied again, weren't you?" her father spoke up.

"If you only tell us why they are doing this to you, maybe we can stop this." her mother scolded her. Dahlia was not in the mood for a lecture. She needed support and not a scolding.

"I can handle myself." Dahlia mumbled.

"Do not speak back to your mother." her father warned her.

"Your arrogance is probably the reason." Dahlia could not take it anymore.

"It's not the reason. It's something else." Dahlia bursted out crying. Her mother soon regretted her words, leaving her seat before, hugging her daughter.

"Tell us what is wrong Dahlia. Maybe we can fix this." It was now or never.

"I-I'm...gay." Dahlia stuttered. Her mother was taken aback before Dahlia could see the love for her in her own mother's eyes disappear. It was replaced with something else. Anger. Disappointment. Hatred. Her mother removed her hands from Dahlia.

"Get out. Get out of my house." she spat.


"I'm not your mother."

"Dad..." Dahlia watched as her father ignored her.

"Pack up your things and leave my house." her mother spoke again.

"But mom...please." Her cheek throbbed again, as her mother slapped her across the face.

"Get out." Dahlia rushed upstairs, gathering her things before rushing out of her home. Tears burned in her eyes, as she rings a number for help.


"Hope. I...told them... and they kicked me out" Dahlia said through tears.

"Come over to my house." Hope said as Dahlia ended the call. She made a huge mistake but at least her heart can rest in peace.


ON AN IMPULSE, Dahlia drives after Ava as she watches Hope throw a Hello Kitty Pez dispenser out of the van before aiming her blasters at it. The dispenser enlarges, knocking out the two motorcyclists behind them. Watching Ava ride along the side of the van, she sees her jump on top of the roof of the van before phasing through the windshield.

Dahlia swerved her car when she sees Hope flying out from the back of the van after Ava kicked her.

"Ava. Please..." Dahlia mumbled, as she watches Ava getting out of the van, the lab in her arms before jumping onto a truck. She smashes the window by the driver's seat, the driver jumping out before Ava takes control of the truck.

"Ava, this is too much. You're going to hurt someone." Dahlia said to herself, following the blue truck. The truck begins to move side to side, before impacting against a black car on the side. Dahlia noticed blasters leaving the truck, realising Hope was in the truck as well, fighting off Ava.

She had no other choice, Dahlia began to call Woo, to let him know about the chaos on the streets. It was the only way to stop Ava from hurting more people. His phone was engaged, making Dahlia cuss to herself. Looking up, as she swerves past many vehicles on the road, she sees Scott enlarges on top of the truck, his fist punching through the windshield of the truck. Hope escapes the truck with the lab in her possession. Ava phases out from the driver's seat, as her mask was no longer covering her face.

"Ava, no. People are going to see who you are." Dahlia mumbled. Scott once again shrunk back to his normal size. This was now Sonny Burch's opportunity as Hope was distracted. Ramming the back of the truck with the car, Hope falls backwards, the lab slipping from her grasp. Burch grabs it in his hands, shouting out in glee. Dahlia stops her car, rushing up to Ava as the woman rolled across the ground.

"Ava, you need to stop. This is hurting a lot of innocent people." Dahlia said.

"They are not the ones dying Lia, now out of my way!" Ava shouted at her, running after the enlarged Scott. Dahlia had no other choice but to catch up to her. Returning back to her car, she speeds away, praying Ava does not make things worse.

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